Chapter 2

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-3rd POV-

Tanjiro stared at the boulder, before turning around hearing footsteps coming. He saw Urokodaki.


"I had no intention of sending you to the Final Selection." The older male said, making the other shocked, "I didn't want to see children die anymore. I was sure you wouldn't be able to slice this boulder, but..." He then pat his head, "Well done, my boy! Tanjiro, you're...a remarkable kid!"

The said teen, stayed quiet as he then started to tear up and let the tears fall.

Urokodaki pulled him into a hug, "Make sure you and (Y/n) come back alive from the Final Selection. The three of us, your sister, Sukuna and I will be waiting for you two here."


Soon, they were in the older male's home, as he cooked.

"Tanjiro-chan! You're hair has grown quite long!" (Y/n) said, making him pick a lock of hair and look at it.

"You're right...I should cut it."

"I'll help you!"

The male smiled and nodded, "Yours grown too." He said, pointing at her hair.

"Hm? I guess I'll just cut it a bit and put it in a ponytail."

Tanjiro nodded then looked at the older male, who was cooking, "What the occasion? There's so much."

"You've both completed all your training, so we're celebrating." He said, serving a bowl and gave one to him, "Don't be shy. Eat up."

The burgundy male smiled and grabbed it, "Thank you very much!"

Urokodaki served another bowl and gave it to (Y/n).

"Thanks, Urokodaki-san!" She said, thanking him, before eating.

The older male stared at them, 'Tanjiro, there's nothing more I can do for you. From here on out, you'll be going through such hardship and strife. Your training will seem like nothing in comparison. So, for now, at least, you should rest well without a care in the world. (Y/n), even if your swordsmanship is not the best, you still have your abilities. Though I do want you to at least try your best with the blade. You're also going to be going through hardships but at least not as much.' He thought.

Soon after they finished eating, (Y/n) was cutting Tanjiro's hair back to it's short length, while the Urokodaki was folding two haoris.

"Hey, Tanjiro, (Y/n)..." The older male spoke up.

"Yes?" They both said.

"Did you enjoy that hot pot?"

"Yes! I haven't had such a feast in so long!" Tanjiro said, with a smile.

The white haired girl paused in her movements and nodded, "Yeah! You're cooking is always the best, Urokodaki-san!"

"A growing boy or girl like you with a hearty appetite should get stronger the more they eat, as well as grow bigger in size. But that goes for demons, too. Remember this. Basically, a demon is as strong as the number of humans he's devoured." Urokodaki said.

"So, the more they eat, the stronger they get?" The burgundy male asked, as the female went back to cutting his hair.

"That's right. There are demons who gain power, become able to transform their bodies, and even use strange spells." He then opened a small compartment that had two masks, "When your sense of smell becomes keener, and your abilities become more stronger, you'll both be able to tell how many humans a demon's consumed." He then gave the two masks to the two teens.

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