Chapter 35

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-3rd POV-

Haganezuka continued with the blade, but in the forest this time, as behind him stood Kanamori, who watched the fight from afar.

"L-Lord Tokito!" He softly said.


Muichiro turned around as Gyokko went back into his vase.

"Don't underestimate me, you brat!" He said, appearing on a tree branch.

"Hey, it's not like I'm underestimating you. I'm just stating a fact. You're only going to get beheaded by me and die anyway. Because...for some reason, I'm really in the zone right now. I wonder why." The teen simply said.

"The way you're speaking to me is disrespectful, you miserable brat! After only having lived for ten years or so!" He exclaimed, going into his vase and started to come up from behind the male.

"Even if that's true, there isn't one thing about you that I can respect, so...The way you look and the way you talk...are both totally creepy."

"You can't appreciate my beauty, my grace..." He came up, "nor my elegance...because you're uneducated and poor! Just like a dung beetle can't read even if you show it a book!"

"I don't know, you seem more likely to be living in dung."

"Shut up, dung beetle! Look at you with your short limbs and undersized blade! You can't even reach my neck!"

"No, didn't I just reach it with a vengeance? And in the first place, your limbs are shorter. Oh, wait. Were you just thinking out loud about yourself? Sorry to interrupt." MUichiro insulted the demon.

"Hyo, hyo! My, what a cheap insult! Did you think that was enough to fluster me? I can see that you'll do anything to win! Not a pretty sight!"

He turned around to look at him, raising a hand to his chin, "Hmm...Hmm..."

"Hyo, hyo! What is it?"

"It's really bugging me. Isn't that vase of yours kind of misshapen? It doesn't look symmetrical. What a piece of crap."

Instantly, Gyokko was angered, "That's because your eyeballs are rotten, dammit! My vase! How the hell is it misshapen?" He exclaimed as a bunch of vases appeared from all his hands, releasing an attack, "Blood Demon Art..." The fish went towards the male, who only dodged, "Ten Thousand Gliding Slime Fish! These 10,000, assassins will pick you to the bone! And I'll make you part of one of my works!"

Muichiro flipped in the air, before his feet touched the tree trunk, 'Mist Breathing...' He jumped forward, slicing in a somersaulting motion, decimating dozens of fishes at once, 'Sixth Form...Lunar Dispersing Mist!'

The demon was shocked, 'All? He slashed them all? That speed and that attack range! What happened to my poison? Unexpected! But even so, no harm, no foul! Those fish will disperse poison before they turn to dust after being slashed by that Nichirin Sword! Transdermal poison no less! So it can also be absorbed through the skin! Get hit with that, and you're done!'

He raised his blade, 'Mist Breathing...Third Form...Scattering Mist Splash!'  He performed a powerful and swift circular slash that blew away the incoming projectiles.

'What the hell? That one swing blasted them all away!' He watched as he came up, making him shed his skin.

'You can shed your skin, too?' He thought, watching the skin fall and disappear, "Oh, what a pain in the butt. Would you mind not dodging and racing up trees?"

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