Chapter 36

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"Not everyone has to get it, those of you who like to get magic and help us, please step forward" Kimono announced.

Everyone was in a group no one at first stepped forward. The one did, then another, then within seconds around 43 people had stepped forward. Now their being people with magic in the element kingdom. Mostly young men and women. Kimono had a smirk on his face.

"Thank you to everyone, who stepped forward, and to everyone who didn't, you can always change that by visiting us in the castle" Kagono explained. "Now, everyone who stepped forward, form two lines equally to my brother and myself."

And that's what they did 22 went to Kimono while 21 went to Kagono.

"This is perfect, now we finally have some numbers" Naguyi said.

Then noticed Kagono coughing up blood, then looked over to Kimono and him doing the same thing.

"Are you okay?" Naguyi asked.

"Yeah, I-i-im fine" Kagono said as Naguyi helped him up.

Kwu and Torch did the same for Kimono.

"We'll start training tomorrow, tell them to just try and get used to their magic for now" Kimono told Torch as he was helping walk.

"What are you going to do?" Kwu asked.

"I have to go eat something, then go rest till tomorrow, I should be good then" Kimono explained.

Kimono did just that and woke up the next morning. Kimono felt more energized and refreshed then ever before.

"Why you such in a good this morning" Torch asked.

"Just because, I guess" Kimono said walking out to their training area in the castle were everyone with his wood magic would be waiting.

Kagono decided to practice outside with his guys, while Kimono decided to do it in the training area because it was made of wood and he designed it himself.

"Now listen, being around wood and trees are now your habitat, and when you're around it makes you stronger and faster" Kimono explained "Now the beautiful part about creation magic is that no matter what you think of making, you can make."

"We can?" A man asked.

"Of course, you think of your arms turning into wood, it does, or if you are thinking about a crossbow you can have it" Kimono says.

Everyone was talking amongst each other on things they are doing. One guy created, while another made a wooden wall.

"Good, now that you understand how it works, now it's time to learn how use it in battle" Kimono said as everyone looked at him in confusing.

While Kagono is just teaching them how to use it, Kimono decided to fight them.

"If one of you can get one hit on me, I will officially make you soldiers of the element kingdom" Kimono said.

"This shouldn't be that hard to hit him" a woman said.

"Will you be able to hit us?" A man asked raising his hand.

"Yes, but I won't seriously injure you" Kimono responded.

"How much time do we have" a girl around 13 said being the youngest there by 3 years.

"5 minutes" Kimono said.

"This will be to easy" A young man said.

"Okay, we'll see" Kimono smirked "3,2,1, hit me with your best shot.

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