Chapter 65: Three Against Six

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my brothers
a n d r e w

I followed behind Alex, looking over my shoulder to see Evanna leave my sight. I hope she's okay. I suddenly collided with someone and stumbled back.

"Are you blind?" Alex grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Walk properly."

"Chill," I said, brushing past him. "I was just watching her leave."

"Stop it with the good brother act."

I snapped around, straightening up, taking a warning step closer to him. "Don't get me fucking started, Alex."

"We're doing this right now?" Alex didn't step down from my challenge. He stepped closer too, his eyes daring at me to try him.

"You fucking started it." Neither of us were willing to step down. We were just as stubborn as each other.

"Do you genuinely care about her or pretending to get rid of your own guilt?" Alex snarled. "Or do you even feel guilt? You don't even know what you're doing to her, do you?"

"Just because your relationship didn't work out doesn't mean you have to go around being salty about mine."

Alex scoffed. "Who said it was being salty? Your 'love of your life' is clearly hurting Evanna."

Anger boiled in my veins. "Stay out of my fucking business. Worry about you cheating on your own 'love of your life.'"

People were staring at the two of us. I didn't realize our voices started getting louder.

"Cathy deserves better," I told him, hoping it'd be enough.

"I know she does," He said. "And Evanna deserves better too."

With that, he slammed into my shoulder with his body as he walked away to the food court.

How couldn't Alex just lay off? My relationship with Sabrina wasn't something he should be involved in. Just because he ruined his own relationship doesn't mean he could come and ruin mine.

I was happy with Sabrina. It was his fault for screwing up with Cathy.

Sabrina wouldn't hurt Evanna. She hasn't done anything to hurt her.

Fuck. I don't know.

Alex and I haven't been on good terms for almost a week now. We've constantly been clashing with one another. If we're not ignoring each other, we're fighting.

It hasn't even been two days since Alex and I got into a physical fight, resulting in Brandon and Ethan having to forcefully pull us apart. Alex and I kept it a secret from the rest pretty well, but I was getting sick and tired of having to deal with Alex trying to start things with me.

'Good brother act.' Since when were we ever good brothers to her in the first place? Half of the time I'm with her, all I feel is regret, shame and guilt. It's always been that way.

I'm afraid when she looks at me, she won't ever be able to see me as a good brother because of the past.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice Daniel running up to me, the biggest smile on his face as he held his Chipotle bag in the air.

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