Your First Date

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(There's no picture for this one because you're not dressed up. You're just in your everyday clothes)

You pedal your bike past the gates of the monastery and follow the map Lloyd gave you into the woods nearby. You ride for a few minutes before you reach a spot Lloyd marked with an 'X.' 

You're looking around, wondering what's next, when the end of a rope ladder drops to the ground beside you. You look up and see Lloyd waving from the top of a tree.

"Up here!" he calls.

You wave back, then hide your bike in the bushes and scramble up the ladder. As you get closer to the top, you realize that Lloyd is on a wooden platform near the top of the tree. It's completely hidden from below, making it the perfect spot for what you have in mind. Lloyd already has a large bucket, a sign that says "Pull For Funny Surprise," and two squirt guns.

Lloyd jumps up and down as you sit on the platform and take your backpack off. "Have you got everything?"

You laugh and start pulling supplies from your backpack. "One large bag of water balloons, a nozzle attachment for the hose, a jump rope, and two jumbo packs of gummy worms, at your service."

"This is gonna be huge," Lloyd laughs. "Let's get going!"

Half an hour later, the gummy worms have disappeared, and you and Lloyd are putting the finishing touches on your epic prank. You've filled almost a hundred water balloons, put them in the bucket, and rigged it so that it will dump the water balloons on whoever pulls the jump rope. The sign is attached to a tree next to the end of the jump rope. You've got some extra water balloons and two squirt guns up on the platform in case your victim tries to get some payback.

Lloyd looks over at you and grins. "I bet you a bag of Skittles the first victim will be Jay."

"No way," you say, grinning back at him. "It's gonna be Zane. Can you imagine him seeing a sign like that and being able to ignore it? He'll pull the rope just to see what it does."

"Jay," Lloyd repeats stubbornly. "Loser buys the winner a bag of Skittles."

"You're on."

Five minutes later, you see your first potential victims—Cole and Zane. You watch as they walk over to the tree and read the sign. You can hear them talking.

"This is confusing," Zane says. "Who would hang a rope like this right here?"

"Lloyd would," Cole tells him. "This is a prank, or my name is P. T. Barnum."

Zane is obviously confused. "But your name is Cole."

Cole groans. "I know. It's an expression—DON'T DO THAT, ZANE—!"

Too late. Zane pulls the jump rope, and the bucket tips over, dumping all the water balloons on him and Cole.

"Yeah!" you yell. "You owe me a bag of Skittles!" Lloyd groans and pounds his fist down on the platform.

"LLOYD!!!" Cole yells. "I know you're up there! If you don't come down, I'm gonna come up!"

Lloyd leans out over the edge of the platform. "Aaah! He's climbing the tree! Y/n, help!"

You grab one of the squirt guns and start blasting Cole with water. Lloyd starts hitting him with water balloons. Finally, Cole retreats and goes inside to change clothes and dry off.

As the adrenaline rush from defending yourself wears off, you look over at Lloyd and start laughing. "Best...prank...ever..." Lloyd laughs, too. The two of you lie on the platform, laughing, for a while.

Finally, you sit up and look at Lloyd, then your extra water balloons, then back at Lloyd. A sneaky thought comes into your head.

"You know..." you say with a grin. "It would be a shame to waste all these water balloons..."

Lloyd stops laughing and sits up. "Y/n, don't you dare—"

You start pelting Lloyd with water balloons while he tries to block them and keep himself dry. Both of you are laughing like lunatics. Finally, you run out of ammunition and throw your hands up.

"Okay, I'm done now."

Lloyd chuckles a few more times. "You got me pretty good." He's completely soaked and covered with little pieces of water balloons.

"Don't forget that you owe me a bag of Skittles," you tell him as you both climb down to the ground.

"Ah, right," Lloyd sighs. "I was hoping you'd forget about that. Do you want a hug?"

You look over at Lloyd. He's still soaking wet. He spreads his arms and grins.

"You stay away from me!" you laugh.

"No! I must have hug!" You run away from Lloyd and he chases after you, laughing.

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