You Get Captured {Part III}

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Lloyd's POV

I don't know where y/n could be. She hasn't answered any of my calls or texts since yesterday afternoon, which isn't like her at all. Maybe she's with her friend?

I call b/f/n's house to ask if she's seen y/n, but nobody answers. Did something happen to both of them? I have to do something!

Okay, calm down, Lloyd. Maybe y/n's grounded from her phone for pranking her dad one time too many. Maybe they're on a trip with their parents and she doesn't have cell service. Maybe she and b/f/n are off doing something and she left her phone at home. Maybe—

I'm startled out of my thoughts when something crashes through my window. I run over and look outside to see who threw it, but it looks like they're already gone.

"Lloyd, what happened?" Kai asks as the others sprint into my room. "We heard something—"

The doorbell rings, and I shove past him and sprint down the stairs. I don't know what's happening, but something's very wrong here.

By the time I get to the door, whoever rang the doorbell is long gone, but they left a tape on the front porch. I pick it up, head back upstairs, and slide it into Kai's VHS tape player. I'm never gonna make fun of him for liking those old tapes ever again.

The others crowd into the room behind me as the tape starts playing. The video shows y/n in a cell of some kind, but it's too dark to make out very many details.

"Lloyd, it's a trap!" she shouts. "They're-"the video ends there.

For a minute, everyone is speechless. Then Kai taps my shoulder and hands me a rumpled note. It says:

You have 24 hours to come to the Dark Island, or you'll never see y/n again.

Your POV

You try to get the evil ninja talking while you wait for Evil Lloyd to get back from his 'delivery.' You're determined to escape somehow, and the more information you can gather, the better.

You throw a rock at Evil Jay to get his attention. "Hey, since I'm not going anywhere, I have a question. Lloyd mentioned evil ninja once, but he said his friends destroyed you guys."

"Uh, excuse me?" Evil Jay snaps.

"I believe she is referring to our inferior predecessors," Evil Zane explains. "Lord Garmadon created evil duplicates of the ninja, just as we are duplicates, but they failed in their mission and were destroyed."

"Well, that's not gonna happen to us," Evil Cole says. "We're stronger, faster, and smarter."

"And don't forget way hotter," Evil Kai finishes, flexing his biceps.

"Lord Garmadon's 'ninja' were an embarrassment," Evil Zane says with a scowl. "While we are patterned after their design, where his creations failed, we will not."

You consider throwing something else at them. "Whatever. Who created you guys?"

"You don't need to know that," Evil Jay snaps.

"You don't know either, do you?"

"Shut up!"

You shake your head and lean against the bars around your cell. "Wow. You guys don't even know where you came from. That's just sad. So, who's giving the orders around here?"

Evil Cole glares at you. "Be quiet."

"You don't know who's giving you orders either?" you laugh. "Some ninja you are."

Evil Cole marches right up to the bars. "Be quiet, or so help me, I'll take you to the Mouth of Eternal Shadows and throw you in."

You roll your eyes. "No you won't. Duplicate Lloyd would pummel you."

Evil Cole growls under his breath, but backs off. You grin and retreat to the back of your cell. Years of being a prankster has helped you develop a sense for just how far to push someone without getting into real trouble. It's saved you more than once, but right now, you've used it for something much more important.

You carefully tuck the key you swiped from Evil Cole into your pocket. Now you just need a chance to use it.

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