You Get Captured {Part V}

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Lloyd's POV

"B/f/n, what are you doing?" I demand, trying to twist loose.

"Getting the respect I deserve," b/f/n snaps. Now that she thinks she's got me pinned, she's turned visible again.

"So you betrayed your friend?" I demand. I roll over and manage to throw her off.

B/f/n scrambles to her feet. "No," she snaps. "I'm helping my new friends. And it just so happens that helping them means destroying you."

"Where's y/n?" I demand. "And who are your new friends?"

"You'll see y/n soon enough, and as for my friends, they're right behind you."

I try to turn around, but I'm jumped by four people. They look exactly like me, Cole, Jay, and Zane, but with glowing red eyes. They must be duplicates of us, like the ones my dad made when he was evil.

"Guys!" I yell as loudly as I can. "There's evil duplicates of us! They're in the Stone Army's camp! Hurry!"

The evil duplicates start dragging me in the direction b/f/n was leading me, and it isn't long before they're marching me down some steps carved into the side of a huge pit in the ground. I keep struggling. The guys are on their way. As long as I can keep making noise, they should be able to find me, and then it'll at least be a fair fight. I think I hear y/n yelling from below, but it might be my imagination.

Jay and Zane's doubles stay behind to guard the stairs while the other two pull me into a cave. Inside, I see Kai's double trying to drag y/n into a barred cell.

"Y/n!" I yell. I try to break loose, but Cole's and my doubles are too strong. Then the whole cave goes dark.

Your POV

As quietly as possible, you slide the key you swiped earlier into the lock on your cell door and turn it. Evil Kai is supposed to be guarding you, but he's been asleep in his chair for five minutes now.

You hold your breath while you slowly push the door open, but your luck holds. The hinges don't squeak. You tiptoe slowly toward the door to the room.

You emerge into the light and hold up an arm to shield your eyes. You're standing at the bottom of a huge pit with a large pool of black liquid in the middle. The walls look sheer, but there has to be a way up somewhere. After all, the evil ninja have to get in and out somehow. Muffled shouting echoes down from above.

You jump when you hear another shout from the room you just left. A second later, Evil Kai sprints out through the doorway and grabs your arm.

"Let go of me!" you shout as loudly as you can. Evil Kai ignores you and drags you back into the room.

"I said, let go!" you repeat, trying to twist loose. Evil Kai tightens his grip.

Evil Kai is dragging you back toward your cell when you're both startled by a commotion from the entrance. B/f/n scrambles into the room and comes to a stop when she sees you struggling against Evil Kai.

"Y/n!" Lloyd shouts. He's being dragged along by his double and Evil Cole.

Something inside of you snaps, and at the same moment, the entire room plunges into darkness. Evil Kai yelps and loosens his grip on your arm, and you take the opportunity to jerk yourself free. Some instinct says that the darkness came from you, but you don't understand why or how. All you know is that you need to get to Lloyd.

Confused shouting erupts around you. You stumble toward where you last saw Lloyd, bump into someone in the dark, then trip over something. The world spins, and then there's nothing.

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