You Get Captured {Part II}

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You groan quietly. Your entire head is pounding.

"Look who's finally awake," a familiar voice snickers.

You sit up straight. You're in a small cell. There's a raised slab of stone, which you guess is supposed to be the bed, and a small bucket on the corner, which you'd rather not think about. Other than that, the area is bare.

On the other side of the bars is a dimly lit room. Lloyd is sitting in a wooden chair against the opposite wall. He's not wearing his sunglasses, so you can see his red eyes. When he sees you looking at him, he gets up, walks over to you, and leans against the bars.

"What's going on here?" you ask.

Lloyd smirks at you. "You're smart. Figure it out."

"You're not the real Lloyd," you guess.

Evil Lloyd winks at you. "Right the first time, babe."

You scowl at him. "First of all, don't call me babe. And second of all, when the real Lloyd finds out about this, he's gonna punch your lights out, and I'm gonna hold you down while he does it."

"He won't get the chance," Evil Lloyd laughs.

"What do you mean? What are you up to?" you demand.

Evil Lloyd doesn't get to answer, because Cole—or rather, an evil version of Cole—pokes his head into the room. "She awake yet?"'


"Good. Let me grab the camera." Evil Cole disappears back through the door.

You sigh. "Okay, what's going on here?"

Evil Lloyd smirks at you. "Our mission is to destroy the ninja. But they're kind of stubborn about not being destroyed, which is where you come in."

"You're using me as bait?" you roll your eyes. "That is literally the most overused plan ever."

"But it works."

Evil Jay walks in. "All right, let's get this show on the road!" he stops for a moment. "Get it? Show? Because we're filming?"

"That is the worst joke I've ever heard," you tell him. "And that includes the ones from the real Jay."


"Oh, pipe down, Lightning Lips," Evil Kai snaps from the doorway. He and Evil Zane walk into the room.

"Pipe down? I'll show you pipe down, Firecracker!"

"Quit it, both of you!" Evil Cole orders from the entrance. "Don't forget, we have a mission to complete. Now hang on while I get this set up..." He starts fumbling with a handheld video camera.

"You and that camera of yours," Evil Kai says, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, I told you it would come in handy," Evil Cole replies.

Evil Zane nods. "I agree. What better way to lure the ninja into a trap than with video evidence that their favorite pet has been taken from them?"

You grab a rock from the floor of your cell and throw it at Evil Zane. "Pet?! I am not a pet!"

"Everyone, quiet," Evil Cole orders. "Lloyd, move, you're in the way."

Evil Lloyd sighs and scoots away from your cell. You watch Evil Cole, realizing that you'll only get one shot at this.

As soon as the light on the camera blinks on, you shout, "Lloyd, it's a trap! They're duplicates!"

Evil Cole shuts the camera off and ejects the tape. "Okay, I've got what we need. Lloyd, you want to do the honors?"

"What honors?" you ask suspiciously.

Evil Lloyd winks at you. "Just making a delivery, babe." Before you can protest, he takes the tape from Evil Cole and leaves the room.

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