More Training

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You face off against Kai, waiting for him to make the first move. He lunges forward, trying to catch you off guard with a quick punch. You block it and retaliate with a strike of your own. Kai grabs your wrist and trips you, knocking you to the ground. He pins you down for long enough to make sure you get the message before letting go.

"Good try," Cole says from the edge of the room. "You're getting better."

"Thanks," you mutter, rubbing a sore spot. Now that you've mastered the basics of using your elemental power, Sensei Wu is having the ninja teach you Spinjitzu. You wouldn't mind knowing what it's all for, though. Sensei won't tell you, and neither will anyone else, probably on Sensei Wu's orders.

Kai helps you to your feet. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

You try to think of what it could be. "Uh, I let you knock me over?" Jay laughs, and Lloyd punches his arm.

"You are trying to attack head-on," Zane explains.

"Okay," you say. "Um, what does that mean?"

Cole sighs. "You're trying to hit Kai, which would be great, but he's a better fighter than you, and he has a lot more experience dodging people who want to hit him. You can't beat him in a contest of strength either, because boys tend to be stronger than girls."

You open your mouth to protest, but Nya cuts you off. "It's not sexist, it's just the way things are. Guys tend to be physically stronger than girls. I had to figure out how to deal with it when I was learning to fight, too."

You fold your arms and tap your foot. "Okay, and your point is?"

"They're saying you need to focus on using your strengths," Lloyd explains. "Kai's stronger and more experienced, but you're faster and more agile."

Zane nods and adds, "You should also consider the attributes of your elemental power and incorporate them into your fighting style. Your elemental power isn't very helpful for offense, at least at this stage of your training."

"Focus on what you can do," Jay says. "Stay out of Kai's reach and make sure he can't touch you. Use your powers to hide and keep him guessing. If you do it right, he'll never see you coming."

"Okay," you say, trying to keep track of everything they're telling you. "Don't attack head-on, try to sneak up on him, and don't let him hit me. Anything else?"

"Yeah," Kai jokes. "Have fun."

You roll your eyes and get into a fighting stance. "Easy for you to say."

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