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One last teleport takes you out of the shadows next to C/g/n "Hi again!"

C/g/n jumps, then glares at you. "Y/n, what are you doing here? I thought you were going for help!"

You grin at her. "And let you have all the fun?"

"Fine." C/g/n rolls her eyes. "Have it your way."

You turn to face the evil ninja, who are apparently planning their next move. "So, what's the plan?"

C/g/n twirls her frying pan in her hands. "I can take these guys. You handle the crazy chick." Despite the fact that C/g/n is facing five people with nothing but a frying pan, you believe it.

B/f/n is coming toward you from another direction, so you take off to catch her before she can reach C/g/n. "Got it," you call over your shoulder. "And be careful!"

"Same to you!" C/g/n shouts back. The next sound you hear from behind you is the dull thunk of somebody getting hit by the frying pan.

You face b/f/n, the two of you slowly circling each other. She launches a few punches at you, which you block, and you throw a few back at her, which she also blocks. You keep watching and waiting for her to pull her invisibility trick.

Finally, after a few more rounds of punches, she does it. The instant b/f/n vanishes, you turn and sprint for a doorway that leads into darkness.

You had a lot of time to think about how to beat someone who can turn invisible while you and C/g/n were sneaking around the ruins. Obviously, the best way to beat someone with elemental powers is to find a place where you could use your own elemental powers, which is why you're trying to take this fight indoors, where it'll be dark.

Wasn't it dark last time, too?

You shake your head in surprise. Where did that thought come from? You really don't have time to worry about your memory now—you're busy fighting a girl who used to be your best friend, but is now trying to kill you. Survival first, memory later.

Pounding footsteps sound from right behind you as you burst through the doorway. You immediately jump to one side and hide in the shadows next to the door. A few seconds later, the footsteps skid to a stop, then begin a slow shuffle as b/f/n apparently checks out the room you've led her into.

The room is big enough for the entire monastery to fit inside. Shafts of sunlight stream through gaps in the walls and ceiling where the stone has crumbled away, while huge columns line the walls and cast shadows across the floor. It's a perfect balance of light and shadow.

"I know you're in here, y/n!" a now-visible b/f/n shouts from the middle of the room. "You can't hide in here forever!" As if to prove her point, she conjures a bright light in her hand and holds it up, illuminating the area around her.

"Well," you whisper to yourself. "Here goes nothing."

Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--LloydWhere stories live. Discover now