Tulips 31 [Her Private Doctor]

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Terrifying news befalls me.

I'm having cold feet, apprehending such nightmarish news. Pretty much dashing my way inside the hospital. Passing to the crowded hospital corridor, not paying heed to every courteous greeting. They might think I'm ungracious, but who gives a hell about what people think.

One of the most important being in my life, the source of my happiness is currently fighting for her own life.

"Please Lisa hold on for me, for us," I mumbled like a thousand times already. Tears stubbornly trickled ceaselessly upon the lids of my eyes. 

I headed straight to General OR2, getting a glimpse of the crestfallen mood Rosé and Jisoo. Rosie abruptly stood, I meet her anxious eyes with my sorrowful one, tears gathering upon my bottom lids blurring my sight. I was shocked and shaken up taking in the dried blood stain glazing Jisoo's arms. Oh, merciful God. 

Dreadful to think it was Lisa's. I gasped and deliberately covered my mouth.

They're out on the operation yet I wasn't informed? Totally clueless about what Lisa's dealing with behind my back. I was comfortably laying on the bed hence she's trading bullets to god knows where and god knows whom.


I interrupted Rosie and posed a query straight to Jisoo. "What happened Jisoo?" I demanded the answer with my broken voice.

Her weary eyes never pay me a glance, nibbling her lips refusing to speak, refusing to make eye contact.

I broke down, sagging my entire body on the hospital bench lined up adjacent to the wall. I softly bawl, tears stinging my eyes. Rosie made a quick move, sitting beside me soothing my back. I leant on her side as I felt weak all of a sudden.

She tilted her head, getting a view of my sobbing face, she pushes the stray of dark hair to the back of my ear before appeasing me with her soft voice, "Don't worry too much Jennie. It wasn't life-threatening."

"She catches a bullet for her subordinate." Jisoo broke her silence, words rang loudly to my ear, the heavy words hung over me before they settled deeply. She let out a sigh and I let out an uncontrolled sob.

I had yet to find out the courage to stop from bawling when the Operating room came to open. Surgeons, surgeon assistants and circulating nurses in their scrubs came out. We hurriedly rose on our feet meeting them at the centre of the white hallway.

"Who is the family of the patient?" Dr Wang, a general surgeon asked.

I flash my eyes at Jisoo she bobs her head, and I get the signal which made me step forward, staring at him with my swollen eyes. "I am Dr Wang, I'm her fiancée."

"Uh, Dr Kim." He was dumbstruck for a moment before shaking off from his half-conscious state, "Nothing to worry about, the surgery went well and you can see her as soon as transferred in her room." he reassured along with a nod, stretching his lips for a grin. 

His words dispels my fear, I got the courage to release the breath I was holding, relief washed over the worries in my whole being.   "Thank you, Doctor."

"No worries, I'll excuse myself."

I spun around and deflate my body against Rosie, and right away calm as I felt her brushing my hair.

"You heard him, she's fine. So stop worrying Jennie." I hummed in response and pull away, "And, you Chu-Clean up." she instructed the already protesting woman.

"I—I'm fine, I'll stay with Lis—

"No, you look like a mess. Look at you, painted with a bloodstain. That might infect Lisa—you don't want that to happen don't you?" she told her, voice too firm. I fortified my agreement with a drop of the head.

A Taste of Tulips [JENLISA]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu