Tulips 40 [Penetrating the Stoned Heart]

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Unseen battles are waged every day, it may serve as protecting someone but the act encompassing it may also destroy weakened ones. But, the greatest battles take place inside of us, our greatest antagonist is our dear self.

It occur to me once, the process almost drowns me in despair hence, I fought and survived. Yet, now. When it's happening to my dearest, Lisa. I can't bear it. She must be knackered out from the repeated broadcasting in all the news stations around South Korea and I wasn't beside her—and I was in the cycle of mini-frustrations repeats, whenever I think of her.

She was reputed to be sharped-witted, ruthless, and above all fearless in every operation yet haven't they peek on her humane side? She has a good heart in every possible way.

"How is she chu? Is she eating well? Is she taking her pill?" I bombarded the question upon the woman across me. She's roaming her eyes around the pastel-coloured walls, cozy ambiance, and the romantic interior of Zapangi Cake House. We decided to meet in this adorable café in the heart of Hongdae. It was her random idea. I would settle wherever as long as the foregoing topic is aligned with my fiancée. Yes, she's still my fiancée I never agreed upon her unreasonable and most of all dumb claim. No one could ever break or stop the wedding I anticipated so much, well, unless I decided to. Yeah, you could call me egocentric but, I won't let her slip my grasp.

Her eyes flashed to mine and fixed her focus to me, finally, she decided to spare me her precious attention, "She's—still blaming herself." she spoke in distraught.

Of course, she would, she's stubborn after all, but instead, I swallowed those words along with the lump on my throat. I'm not typically like this, not weak in any aspect but when it comes to her it was altogether a different story. That almost 7 footer lieutenant is my soft spot. I would exchange the world for her.

I was not fully aware of the tears streaming down on my cheeks, not until they fall in drops on my clasp hand resting atop my lap. I look away and took an effort to wipe it using my finger. I draw a measured breath getting my act together before I utter, "I really need to see her Jisoo. I'll bring her home, at our home Chu. I'll do whatever it takes to ease her. I can't just let another excruciating day pass without her by my side." I sounded so sure and determined, contrastingly, my eyes were desperate and pleading.

The sympathetic sullen eyes focus on me, puffing out a sigh, "I think so too." she held her next words and send a polite smile towards the staff who places the plates of waffle and tart partnered with black coffee and my smoothie on our table. She turns to me and carries on, "That's the reason why I wanted to talk to you, Jennie. She's being bull-headed again, not even listening to me. It's been a week but she hasn't hauled out from the guestroom nor left my condo unit. And it's starting to bug me." she paused and draw the teacup next to her lips and took a long sip, she move it away perching it back over the table, "She can either stay there as long as she wants, I won't mind. But, she can't forever be sentimental and be swallowed by guilt. I know you're the best option. You can definitely knock some sense on her thick skull."

"Where is she chu." I prompted, my heart was leaping in my chest. I was so anxious.

"My unit," she plucks a card on her wallet and pushes it at my side. "Just follow the address on the key card, 17th floor, room 157." she ended, and scarf the waffle next to her.

Therefore, without a word I, Kim Jennie rush out of the café with heels on. I impatiently click the unlock button on the fob. Considering the distance from the holden, no flickering lights happen for the fob is out of range. As irritated as I am I sprinted over the stoned pathway and flung the door open. I slide in, buckled up, and madly raced the road. I might be having an impending heart attack from the continuous hammering of my heart. I then, calm myself before I could send myself into the back of someone's car. I felt too irritated when the terrain towards Jisoo's condo was longer than normal. I should blame the slow-moving vehicle ahead, as well as the traffic congestion. It's likely the case since it's Hongdae, having the busiest street in Seoul, second to Myeongdong.

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