Tulips 45 [A Stab From The Back] [Finalé]

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The darkest hour is just before dawn.

Scottish Book

"Damn nightmarish traffic jam!" 

Out of anger and all of the gruesome feelings blending together, Lisa smacks her hands repeatedly upon the steering. She crane her neck and was only presented with a long line of cars, sluggishly moving.

"Fuck!" catching sight of a narrow alleyway up ahead, she navigates a breakneck speed on the walkway and bends a curved—taking a detour—not even heeding to the whiplash from moving along at breakneck speed.

The car gave out a juddered upon the uneven road, however, she doesn't care at all.

A few more turns and she suspended the car's momentum, pulling over the street. The car couldn't pass through a narrow alley; a cramped human passage.

She steps out of the car and walks past the chain-link fence, abruptly kicking the dirt beneath her feet as she scrambles near the puddle of water from the unexpected downpour. She headed directly at the deserted Airport Market of Gangseo-gu, a once-bustling traditional market that fell into the prey of redevelopment which at the end businesses were forced to close up shop. She passed through various closed shutters facing one another.

A foreboding atmosphere fills the air, a sign of no life. Shrubbery was almost as tall as her sprout everywhere, vines scandent along the walls and even trailing the post lamp.

She stealthy peeked around a blind corner; A man which she suspected as one of the goons were roving around the area clutching an assault rifle. Lisa flush herself up over a ledge and waited for the man to appear up close.

As the man is unaware of the hiding figure, he has trodden the brick ground nearing the Lieutenant. Lisa swings a fist, landing straight to his face and twisting his arm leading him to loosen hold upon the firearm. She clobbers him, with his front pressed against the rusty metal door of a former hair salon. 

"Where is my wife!?"

"Fuck you!"

The lieutenant loses her cool and smites the man's head using her handgun. The impact jarred the man's head, making him groan in pain.

"Now, talk, or I'll penetrate this bullet on your head you piece of shit!" she spoke in wrath, nuzzling the gun's muzzle right to the man's head. 

"She's... She's uh—

As the lieutenant's patience wore thin, she strongly strike his head once again and harshly pinned his face over the rusty metal. "Say another she's and I'll fucking end your life!"

"She's at the abandoned Antique shop at the right side corner!" 

Acquiring the information she gave the man a sharp jab in the side and followed with a vigour jab in his jaw putting him to sleep and floored. Leaving the unconscious man, she sprinted off to the establishment which seemingly hankers after in the purgatory of pure abandonment. It was spooky and cobwebs were all over the place. She held the bar handle coated with dust. Upon opening the door a loud creaked of hinges reverberates across the dark space like one normally happens in horror movies. Dusty air wafted around the rundown establishment. As soon as she landed her feet inside the establishment just at the right time all the lights were flipped on—too bright—hindering her from seeing the place clearly. She screwed her eyes and peered into the blinding lights. Slowly, she caught numerous bulky guys standing just about a metre or two away from her. 

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