Ive come to bargain

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Ruby: so, what next?

View flew by the crowd at top speeds, flying to his library, grabbing a tape, then coming back.

View: next we will watch a version of Jaune as the sorcerer supreme, a mage of incredible power

Ozpins breath hitched at views proclamation

Ozpin: a mage? As in someone who can use magic?

View: indeed

Ruby lit up

Ruby: oh my oum! That's so cool!

Coco laughed and put her partner in a headlock

Coco: watch, he's gonna pull velvet here out of a hat!

Velvet groaned and attempted to get out of her leaders grip

Velvet: Coco!

The scene opens on the land of darkness, home of the Grimm, and their dark queen Salem.

Ozpin's inner circle grew uneasy at this start, why would a story centered around Jaune start with Salem?

Salems inner circle were excited, they would finally get to see their mistress in action.

But where Salems castle once stood, there is instead rubble of the once magnificent castle.

Cinder: what? How is this possible?

In front of the rubble stood a man of purple, with horns coming out of his head. This man had no face or features throughout his entire body just a blank shade of purple

This was the god of darkness

The audience was shocked into silence, there was no way, it wasn't possible

Ozpin dropped his coffee cup, it shattered waking the audience from their momentary shock

Ozpin: No, it can't be, they left forever!

Cinder paled several shades at the image in front of her, if what her mistress had told them was true, this being could destroy remnant with a thought

Her powers seemed like child's play compared to his

Weiss's eyes grew wide

Weiss: the gods are real? That's preposterous

View flew up to her

View: on the contrary, it's completely possible, it's a fact about every version of remnant, including yours.  The two brothers are your creators, and they are very real.

At hit feet lay the four relics, humanity's greatest weapons, yet here they lay as if they were toys. Grimm surrounded their creator, each of them bowing their heads when his gaze moved over them.

In front of the creator was the inner circles of both Salem and ozpin, each laying broken and defeated, but not dead. At least not yet.

Ozpin allowed a small smile to grace his lips, at least Salem could recognize the threat that was the God of darkness.

Summer: at least we all came together, we all put aside our differences and fought for the greater good.

Qrow sighed and slumped in his chair

Qrow: even if it was for nothing

Nora: there has to be a way to defeat him!

Ren put a hand on Nora's shoulder

Ren: Nora, he's a god, there's no chance anything could defeat him.

Nora shook rens hand off

Nora: No! I refuse to believe nothing can defeat him! There has to be a way!

The many, many, many versions of Jaune arcWhere stories live. Discover now