Debates and an Incredible Lack of Focus (Serta)

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The Yellow bloods were pushing harder and harder into Remenie's forces, wiping out hundreds in only a few days. The population of Remenie remained small, so finding new recruits was incredibly difficult for their new King and Jax, captain of the force. It had been a week since Serta had first been given the throne, he had done well but any King would struggle in these desperate times.

You know what they say, desperate times calls for desperate measures.

"Send them all. Every single person but leave behind the guard and a duo. Maybe with everyone there, we can push them back." Even as the words left my lips I questioned it. All of them? This could very well turn into a slaughterhouse. But I said it to the Captain for a reason: she would know what to do, she would have the guts to question my orders. That was what made Jax a good Captain.
"Are you sure? If we send them all and they don't come back, what do we do then?" No bowing or 'your majesty's' Jax was straight with me.
"That's why we leave the duo." I countered.
"And then what? We send them therefore leaving us undefended?" This was how we worked, we bounced theories off each other. Sometimes it lasted hours, other times only minutes.
"If we send them all we have a better chance of winning, ten won't stand against twenty but thirty will." My words were strong.
"Perhaps. But say we only have ten and they have forty."
"That's a risk I'm willing to take." As a King, taking risks was part of every day life. That was one of the things my Father was good at, gambling. Not for money or jewellery, but for lives. When Jax didn't reply I continued, "So it's settled send them all, leave the duo and the guards." Jax nodded her head and walked out.

I barely ate my lunch that day, I hadn't eaten it the day before either. Breakfast was forced down my throat by Jeose and I was so hungry when it came to dinner I couldn't refuse. But Lunch was always the hardest, I always had so much on my mind, if I wasn't thinking about the Yellow Bloods I was thinking about trading or ordering or planning and many other infuriating chores.
Other than that, I found myself thinking about Dana, the young girl had managed to sneak me into the woods a few more times to spot more unworldly creatures. I didn't mind it at all, it gave me an excuse to forget about everything else. Jax often crept into my mind too, I had become dependent on her knowledge and constant support without her I don't know where I'd be... probably stuck in the woods with no throne or crown to come back to, Remenie wouldn't have lasted nearly as long, that was for sure.

When no one came to pull me out of the decision I was stuck in, I managed to make my was to Kassa's old room. The same one I watched her cry and sing by the fireplace. I wished I hadn't been so sharp with her when my Father came up. I wondered where she had gone, she briefly mentioned Zepter but never more than that. I'd given up wondering where she might be a few days ago because I didn't need that on my mind too.

For now I just had to keep pushing the force at the Yellow Bloods and pray to Amagra, God of Guidance that I was doing the right thing.

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