An Important Message

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After Serta's encounter with Amagra in his head, he had a lot to think about. The same question kept popping up: Who do I hate? He couldn't put his finger on it. Meanwhile Dana stayed away from the caves and fields as much as possible. She didn't want to run into Serta again, she just wasn't ready. She had caught herself watching him from afar, she tried to stop but she couldn't help feeling the need to hug him again. After all, Serta was practically her big brother.

I shouted into the cave. I was in the underground spring chamber again. Why do creepy Gods have to come into my head all the time? Ok, maybe I was exaggerating, it had only happened once. But it made me question if I was praying to the right God, after all this time... Amagra was the God of Guidance, I guess I just thought she could guide me? Maybe this was her twisted was of telling me to do the thing I hate! But what even is that?! I allowed myself to talk in my head, as I didn't feel her spooky presence. I'm pretty sure I don't hate anything! Ughhh. I sighed out my nose.

Then I had an idea: maybe the person I hated was Dana! Not actually her but the argument! Maybe I am mad at myself for not forgiving her!


"Er, yeah." I replied. One of Remenie's guards stood at the top of the stairs.

"Come, there is a letter for you." He told me. We walked to the cave in silence, then he left. I opened the letter, excited and relieved at the name on it.

Hi, Serta.
Sorry this took so long to reach you, sending it was a lot of hassle! But hopefully now it's got to you! :)

She then explained where she had been, about White Bloods and Magic and weird, winged horses. She also talked about what had happened to Remenie, and she said she'd say more at the very bottom of the letter. It took almost three pages to explain it all. But I kept reading. She had mentioned travelling with someone, but she seemed very vague on him. Like she was deliberately trying to hide something... I forgot about it and read on.

But, Serta. I need you to do something for me! You have to trust me. I don't know, but there might be a specific person who escaped the Yellow Blood fires! She's called Amber, and she's got this brilliant red hair that is easily mistakable for fire. You'll know her when you see her. I want you to pass her a message:

You won't remember me, but I was the girl from the training room in Remenie that walked in on you and asked you about your trainer... anyways. Your old trainer, Ubunto, he's alive. He is currently at the coordinates:
10. 35. 678
From Kassa.

Thank you Serta! Now, I think we should meet somewhere, you, Jax and all the survivors! We can find shelter and sort things out together. Jax and I can train, and... Frixy can cook us some delicious Demna! I think it's something we need to do, it just feels... right. Anyway, I was thinking we could meet at Senegal, there is lots of space, and plenty of mixed bloods there. There might be some danger, but I mean it's nothing we haven't done already!? I've missed everyone so much! To be honest, It's quite... lonely out here. I mean, yes I have... some friends, but I need a place to call home. I just... I just wish things would go back and we can... we need to stop this war, or at least defend our people. Sorry, I don't really know what I'm doing, but as I said, it just feels right. Reply soon :)

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