Look After Me (Serta)

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A spy had been sent to Remenie to check on what the Yellow Bloods were doing. It was less obvious just to send one, and with the paper, letters were sent back and forth with magic so the news was transferred easily. Jax was nominated to go, after all she knew how to handle herself and how to count armies or soldiers. Serta didn't like the idea at all, but he had mostly kept his mouth shut because he didn't want the burden of being King. After all what throne did he have? Luckily, all Remenie's survivors were fully healed and a a few had volunteered to help the healers with food and supporting their houses in return. Serta had found some shoes to wear, yet he rarely put them on, it was a reminder that he shouldn't take things for granted anymore. Even though it was only a few weeks he was King, he could get everything with a click of a button and it would come with every size, colour or quantity that he desired.

The paper felt heavy in my fingers. I didn't know what to expect. Would it be news about the war? Would it just be a reminder that she's still alive? Or could it be that she was in trouble?

I opened it. With little luck, I tried to control my hands that shook and tensed. I read it three times over.

I'm good. yellow bloods are building an army here.
Finding out more. Hope everyone is safe. Don't send anyone
else here. With luck,

She couldn't have written more, we kept the paper short because it was easier to transport, less notable and if it was found not much information would be leaked. I was glad it was so small because otherwise I was sure I would pour everything onto it or say something I'd regret. I'm good. Was she hiding something? Was she really good? Jax would want me not to worry, she would put that no matter what situation she was in.

Worries tugged at me. I pushed them away and tried to decipher the next part. Yellow Bloods are building an army here. That, was bad. Very bad. We had given them a free hidden mass of land that wasn't easily accessible that could train their Warriors. Perfect. What were they going to do with it? She was finding out more.

Don't send anyone else here. That had got to have meant something. She had specifically asked NOT to send anyone. Something was wrong. Or am I just paranoid? Probably.

"What is it? You look like someone's just shown you the most horrific maths problem in the world." Roseanne's joke was calm, soft. Not like Jax who would have grinned and nudged my shoulder.

"Jax." I said rubbing my face with my hands. I passed it to her. I watched as her sea green eyes flicked across the paper. She nodded and rested a gentle hand on my shoulder. I tried not to notice her thumb twitch when she non-intentionally felt my muscles.

"At least she's safe." She murmured, staring into the fire that sat in the corner. Because I used to be King they had given me a separate tunnel of the cave, that widened out into a oval.

Roseanne had gradually caught on to how much Jax meant to me, and was always sympathetic when it came to the matter.
"You should rest." She was right of corse, I had spent the whole day hunting. But I was almost certain my thoughts would keep me awake.

"I know." I admitted. We faced each other, I was still biting my lip.

"Don't do that. They'll bleed." She explained, her eyebrows knitting together. Again she was right, I had already started to taste the tang of blood in my mouth.

"I know." I repeated.

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