Tout ira bien & Ça fait mal🌙

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Chapter 25: Tout ira bien & Ça fait mal

Tout ira bien (French) everything will be fine


Ça fait mal ( French) it hurts

Jacqueline POV:

Despite me wanting to give Xavier hell, I did end up forgiving him. Did I sought to? Okay, but was the mate bond at play after I made him sweat? Yep! Did I succumb to it? Definitely!

Since the event between Aspen and Hayden and the last time I saw her, it has been roughly three days.

I've gotten used to living a royal life fairly well. And it's not as simple as those royal reality shows make it out to be. Because it is a tremendous responsibility to protect not just the reputation of the title you held but also that of the castle and the royal family. In addition, I have training, paperwork, obligations as a beta female, and then focus on my mate.
I've been overextended

I gotta take a break because I'm officially going crazy.

I just got home and my only plans were to take a lengthy bath and go to bed.

"Can you run me a bath, baby? I enquired from the doorway.

"Yeah..sure," he replied.

I picked an apple from the counter and nibbled on it till I was satisfied. Running upstairs, I entered my dimly lit room where Xavier was undoubtedly at work.He still had bags under his eyes when he left the restroom. Before turning to face me, he made a small smiley face and cracked his back. He then quickly hugged me and kissed my forehead. I was tempted to forgo the bath and spend more time cuddling with him, but I stank.

He mindlinked me, "I would still snuggle with you even if you were coated in sludge."

Yea no way Casanova, I laughed.

I was so worn out that he undressed me and set me on the bathroom counter before setting me in the bath. He began by shampooing and conditioning my hair with the citrus-scented products I enjoy. His hands are like magic, mm! He began to wash my body but stopped mid-thigh.

"Are you okay, Xavy? I query

"When was the last time you saw Aspen? He asked.

"3 days ago,why?" I query

He continues, "Apparently she was hospitalised yesterday and some drama happened then."

"Oh my word! How is she doing?" I worriedly enquired.

He groaned

I'm not sure either, but Pheonix is coming.

As he was speaking, he knocked.

To let him in, Xavier exited the restroom. I dried off after washing the rest of me, went into our room to get some sweatpants and one of Xavier's graphic shirts, got dressed, pulled my hair up in a sloppy bun, and headed downstairs.

Phee appeared to have not slept well in a long time because of the noticeable bags beneath his charcoal grey eyes, the fact that he would not give in to sleep's pleadings, the messiness of his jet black hair, and the stress lines on his face. His whole condition is sad.

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