the tunnel

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We walked down the stairs and suddenly a blade swung in front of us. “we weren’t kidding bobby trapped.” I growled and ran through shifter speed I dodged all the traps then suddenly a blast of fire shot out at me from the end of the hall and we had to run the other way. I ran out as the fire just blasted out the hole and I hit the dirt. “DAMIT!” they nodded and Josh said “already tried that. Tried going slow too nothing seems to be working. That fire always blasts out!” Gabe then shouted “if only we had water!” it was meant as a joke but I smirked. “hey Josh your brother still dating that siren?” he smirked and nodded. “yes sir.” Samuel then shouted “the old ways!” we all looked at him and he said “the creatures! All of us were together at one time in history all fighting together...”

he hinted but we were just confused what was he talking about. “ugh Diana’s riddle re-forge the old ways to change the future. We need one of every creature to open that book! AND GET THROUGH THAT HALL! Then we can wake Shay.” That made sense. The tunnel here was made for a water siren to get through only. “go get your brother and his girlfriend, Gabe gather the pack were going recruiting.”  I got up and turned to Samuel. Stay here till some men come to relive you and guard the library.” He nodded and I ran out going to tell everyone in the pack about what we found. We had to get this to work.


I sat in a chair and heard a giggle. “couldn’t you have just told us Diana?” she appeared and said “sorry but my ancestors forbid us telling anyone about the old ways or about the warriors but they said nothing about leading you there.” I smirked. “so you were trying to obey the laws without breaking them but help us out at the same time?” she nodded and sat by me. “I’ll be the witch part if you be the warlock?” I chuckled and shoved her shoulder. “well I’m already in this.” She smiled at me and we waited. Two wolves came back and we walked out towards the pack house. As we walked into the pack house I saw Josh there looking nervous. Ross looking pissed. “what happened?” I asked Ross turned and growled at Diana. “easy alpha boy she’s here to help us and to be the witch part of our problem.” He nodded and Diana stated

“my ancestors casted a spell on all witches we can’t tell you about the old ways or the warriors but I can give you riddles so you can figure it out.” Ross nodded then turned back to Josh “so the warlock can get help but you can’t get your lousy brother.” Josh looked down and said “he moved to the ocean months ago and I haven’t talked to him since.” I smirked and said “road trip.” Diana took my shoulder and said “touch each other will travel by wind.” Ross touched my shoulder as Josh touched his. The wind rushed around us then died down and we were at the ocean.


I sat by Shay as she slept, I hoped they would get that book open soon. She needed to wake up soon. Kira and I were both worried we did some research if a comma patient doesn’t wake soon then they could have brain damage or memory loss. I watched over Shay. “you better come out of this ok Shay. You better not forget us, you need to help us fight against this war.” She stirred as if hearing me. “you fight it Shay you fight with every last breath you have.” She groaned as if trying to fight but couldn’t.” Kira walked in and smiled at me saying “Samuel says it’s like a spell she can’t wake from.” I sighed and looked down to the ground. “I just want her to be ok.” She smiled and patted my shoulder. “I know honey. We all want her to be ok.” I turned and kissed my mate. “you watch her for a bit?” she nodded and set a glass of water by her side.

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