Sirius's Girlfriend 2.0

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Sirius's POV

My eyes lazily fluttered open upon hearing the sound of someone shuffling in the living room.

It's probably James.

Closing my eyes once again, I turned around to go back to sleep, but my eyes opened wide as I heard the sound of a door being shut.

Immediately sitting up, I looked around the room, only to see that all the guys were there.

Still, something felt wrong.

I got to my feet and went upstairs to check on the girls to see if they were alright.

After I managed to get my lazy arse upstairs and opened the door in which Jayce, Mary, and Lily were in, I was immediately met with an intense stare from a wide-awake Lily.

"You good?" Lily asked me as I stood there, half awake and half asleep.

"I should be asking you that, why aren't you asleep?" I slurred my words.

"I'm just waiting for Jayce to return," Lily responded, tucking a hair of her red locks behind her ear as she bit her lip in anxiety.

"Jayce, to return?" I was fully awake now. "From where?"

"She said she wanted to go on a walk." Lily shrugged.

"Now? By herself?" I asked.

"Yeah. But, I think she'll be fine." Lily added. "I think Remus went out just a little earlier than she did. They must be heading back now."

"Oh, okay." I relaxed upon hearing that Remus and Jayce were probably together.

"Ugh, I should've gone too. The full moon tonight is bright and beautiful." Lily pouted.

"It's not too late-" I stopped myself as the realization sunk in.


I bolted out of the room and into Remus's room, only to find it empty. Then, I ran downstairs and shook James and Peter silently so Frank wouldn't wake up.

"Oy, mate, what's wrong with you?" James yawned and frowned at me while adjusting his glasses.

Luckily, me jumping on him was enough to wake up up because fuck, James Potter slept like he was in a fucking coma.

"Moony's gone. So is Jayce." I whispered.

"So what?" Peter asked, his eyes barely open.

"It's the fucking full moon and you're asking me what's wrong if my girl is out there alone with Moony on loose without wolfsbane?" I gritted through my teeth.

Upon hearing those words, James got onto his feet and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"The fuck are we waiting for then? Let's go." He said.

The two of us helped Peter up and were about to head out, but Lily running down the stairs and staring at us out of breath made us stop, especially James.

Upon seeing a disheveled James, only in his pajamas and his tousled hair even more of a mess right now, I could tell Red was flustered.

"What's happening? Where are you going? Is Jayce safe?" She asked, her face red.

"Jayce's fine." I quickly replied, trying to get out of the house as soon as possible.

"Why are you guys going out-"

"Jayce doesn't know this place as well as we do, so we're gonna head out to make sure she's okay." James lied and got us out of the house.

Lily watched us leave, her mouth hanging open.

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