1 (Morning Routine)

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8 years ago

"Time to wake up now princess,school will start few hours from now and you need to get ready. C'mon get up now." My dad's voice filled me.

I groaned. "Five more minutes dad,pleaseeeeeee." I replied and buried my face in the pillows.

"Uh-uh-uh,get up now we meed to get your brothers up too." he says that made me jump off of the bed immediately. Waking up my brothers is my favorite part of the day. I just love how grumpy they are every morning.

I grinned at my dad and pulled him out of my room.

"Wait up now,brush your teeth first. Your morning breath might kill your brothers." My father teased. I rolled my eyes on him and returned to my room leaving my father outside my room. I hurriedly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I searched for some ponytail and pulled my hair in a messy bun.

My dad is still there waitng for me. "All good?" he says.

I smiled at him. "Yup. Want to smell my breath dad?" I asked and moved towards him.

He covered my face with his right hand and laughed. "Thanks but no thanks sweetie,I trust you when you said you brush your teeth. Anyway who's our first target?" He says followed by an evil laugh. Who would have thought that the great business tycoon Simon Cowell is so childish?

I smirked. "Niall" i replied and laughed evily as well. We made our way to Niall's room,which is at the last door in the 3rd floor. I opened the door, my father following behind me. We stopped at the foot of his bed. My father nodded his head as a signal for me to start our daily "plan" to wake up my grumpy brothers. I jumped on the bed and tackled Niall. I heard him groan and put a pillow ob his head.

"Go away." He said in a sleepy voice. I got up off of him and started to jump up and down his bed. My father soon joined me to bounce up and down on Niall's bed. "wakey wakey Niall" my father and I started to chant while bouncing round Niall's queen sized bed.

"Geez guys,why do you always have to do this every morning?" Niall says in an annoyed voice and got up from his bed.

"So we're sure that you won't sleep in and be late for school." I said and smirk at the annoyed Niall infront of me.

My father went to him and messed with his hair. "Good Morning kiddo."

"Whatever dad." he says and rolled his eyes. "I'll just brush my teeth and i'll follow you downstairs. Go with your next "target". Niall said and pushed us out of his room. My father and I high fived and muttered "Mission accomplish." and laughed.

"So who's next?" he asked.

"Hmm you pick?" i answered.

"How bout Zayn?" he says with a grin on his face.

I smiled widely at him. "Great idea." and pulled him infront of Zayn's room which is infront of Niall's room.

Zayn was there,with his mouth wide open and legs wide apart on his bed. I laughed at the boy infront of me. I looked over to my dad who's trying to keep it low. His shoulders moving up and down because of his laughter.

"I got an idea dad." i said to him and ran back to my room. I took my pink polaroid and went back to Zayn's room. He's still in the same position when we first entered his room. My dad is now at the foot of his bed waiting for my next action. I smiled brightly at him showing my polaroid which made him smile widely too. I went on Zayn's bed and I tried to find a good angle to take a photo of sleeping Zayn,once i found a great angle I snap the button,The flash startled Zayn and he woke up.

"What the fuck! Dad! Aliya! your so annoying!" he yelled.

"Hey language young man!" my father said trying to look angry but he's failing miserably cause he's still smiling.

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