29 (The Wedding)

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After that crazy encounter with Dr. Woods during my check up, I've never heard a thing from Harry. And guess what's going on today? It's our wedding day which makes me quite nervous with the thought of Harry ditching it which is not impossible to happen, I mean he can do it if he really wants to. Knowing Harry for ages I can predict what he's thinking or how will he handle the situation, I just hope he shows up or else it'll be so embarrassing for me and of course my family,specifically for my dad's reputation.

Like the scene from my prom,my room was filled with numerous people who are coming in out getting some stuffs which are necessary for my outfit,make up,hair or whatsoever,my gown was laying on my bed so as the white stilettos,and now I'm currently sitting in front of three mirrors which are adjacent to each other while the make up artist is busy fixing my face,my hair is rolled up to some curlers at the bottom part. There were also photographers snapping their cameras with every move that I make,which is quite annoying since 1pm and it's already 3pm for goodness sake! My make up artist was about to put my lipstick on when my best friend barges in my room all ready dressed up in her white knee length tube dress,her hair pined on the right side and the ends are curled,of course she was my maid of honor sadly Niall wasn't the best man it was Tommo.

She closed the door afterwards and walked to where I'm sitting. "You'll be Mrs. Harry Styles in just 2 more hours,how are you feeling?" She says as she looks at me intently through the mirror.

Mandy,my make up artist gave us some time to talk so as the photographers and then exits my room. I sighed and turned to my best friend with a worried look on my face. "I don't know, I'm kind of scared what... What if Harry doesn't show up?" I said my voice cracking.

She rubs my back and gave me a reassuring smile. "He will,guess what? Niall is with him right now preparing for the wedding. Your brother, I mean brothers made sure he won't get away with you." She inquired.

I laughed bitterly. "Wow,that sounds like he really is forced to marry me." I said flatly.

Now it's my best friend's time to sigh. "Listen just forget about you and Harry just keep in mind that you're doing this damn wedding for the baby for the baby to have a happy family like you once had and still have . I know how hard it is to grow up without my parents and I have a feeling it's hard to be a part of a broken family.... But that's my opinion all I'm saying is just be positive and who knows? Harry might fall for you as you live together in one roof." She states firmly and stood straight beside me waiting as I process all she just said.

I sigh. "Fine,can you leave me alone now? I need to get ready." I said in a joking manner,making my best friend gasp and dramatically place her hand on her left chest.

"After all the things I've done? This is how you're going to repay me?" She says and walked out of the door after making me laugh at her childish attitude. I called on Mandy and she continued her work.


I'm sitting beside my mum in our white Mercedes on our way to the church,well we'll just meet dad there since he came early to entertain some of our guests and he doesn't have the patience to wait for us while preparing.

"You look wonderful hun,I can't believe you're already getting married today." She says with her voice cracking at the end making me look back at her and give a playful smile.

"Well I can't believe it either mum,I'm just seventeen and I'm getting married,is it even legal?" I gushed making my mother chuckle.

"Of course we have our connections." She says proudly.

Oh perks of being a Cowell eh? My subconscious says bitterly.

After the minutes of drive we finally reached the church which was at the outskirts of town,it's where my parents said their I do's years ago and I vowed since I was little that I'll get married here as well, which I didn't expect to happen too soon.

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