4 (Liam going to UNI)

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One week pass in a blink of an eye,Liam will be leaving tomorrow for UCLA. Well we spent the past days bonding together.We made sure that everyday was a family day,my brothers didn't go to any parties like they usually do,mom and dad didn't work late too. I sighed well 4 years isn't that long okay? I always tell to myself. It's saturday 11:40pm,Liam will be leaving tomorrow at 1pm. Since I can't sleep because my mind is occupied with Liam's departure tomorrow I decided to go check up on him in his room. I took huggie off of my bed and went out. I knock on his door and waited for him to open it,after a minute the door opened revealing a sleepy Liam,he was wearing a pair of dark blue pajamas.

"What's up Al? it's late why aren't you sleeping yet? " he asked in a sleepy voice.

"Uhm I can't sleep." I said while fiddling huggie.

I heard him chuckle. "Really? Why do I have this gut feeling that you're lying?" he says and leans on the door frame.

I look up at him and frown. "Yeah okay I was lying. Uhm I was wondering if I can sleep here?" I shyly asked and look down at the floor.

"Awww my little sister wants to sleep with me?" he cooed.

"Yeah I wanna sleep with you for the last time! You happy now?" I glare at him then made myself in and dove on his bed occupying all the space with huggie. His luggages are sitting at the foot of his bed. I heard the door close and I felt my body being pulled downwards.

"Move your fat ass!" Liam says while laughing. "But seriously Al I'm gonna miss you so much. The way you and dad wake Zayn,Niall and me every morning, us four annoying the shit out of each other. I'm going to miss you guys so much." He suddenly blurts and sat at the end of the bed.

I sat up on his bed and rested my head on the headboard. I sigh "Hey Li you're the one who said it's just four years? We'll definitely miss you too." I said and smiled at him.

He smiled back at me. "We're so dramatic. Come here and give me a hug."he says and open his arms wide.

I grinned and moved near him. He engulfed me with his muscular arms. I rested my head on the crook of his neck,we stayed in that position for few minutes and we broke apart after.

"Guess it's time for bed huh?" Liam says and he lay down on the left side of the bed. I also lay and we both stare at the ceiling.

"Hey Al, I just want to remind you that you're still not allowed to date." Liam says all of a sudden.

I turned my head in his direction,he's still starring at the ceiling. He looks serious. I groan. "Seriously Li,I'm turning 16 this coming October 31. Most of the girls around my age has their boyfriends and they're allowed to date!" I complained.

He turned his head to me. "Because I said so. And I'm not here to protect you-"

"But you said Zayn and Niall are here to protect me." i said cutting him off.

He sighed. "Still, I DONT WANT YOU TO DATE ANYONE." he says emphasizing every word. "I just don't want you to get hurt that's all." he says in a low voice.

"Is this still about Danielle?" I asked.

"Well yeah, you saw how it broke me few years ago. I just- I just don't want you to undergo what I had. Don't fall in love,I don't mean it to never fall in love but try not to fall in love with the wrong person." he says and turned his gaze back to the ceiling again. "I know that you have feelings for Harry. You know how he treats girls. I just don't want you to be like other girls he plays with." he says that made my eyes grow wide.

"I don't like Harry!" I said in a defensive voice and sat up.

"You do. You don't have to deny it. Zayn and Niall agrees with me. Like Al you're so obvious,the way you stare at him,the way that you act when he's around and don't let me start with the favor the you give him. Yes I know the "pretend game" you two playing when one of Harry's fling haunt him,you help him out."He says as if reading my mind. I'm beyond speechless.

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