9 (Seducing the Principal)

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After we got caught by Mr. Higgins we went to the cafeteria and ate our lunch like what Niall wanted. Some of the lads friends who happened to be the schools jocks kept teasing all of us as we eat lunch regarding the tampon incident,it's fucking humiliating and it's just the number one gossip in our school at the moment.

I pushed my tray,I barely touched my food like seriously who'll have the appetite to eat when you can hear everyone talking about you. It may appear that I'm overreacting but sorry it's a big deal to me.

"Are you finish eating?" Niall quickly say as soon as he saw that I moved my tray.

"Yeah 'm not in the mood." I answered which made him grin widely and as expected he took the food.

"You're such a pig." Louis mumbles as he eats his cheeseburger. Niall just stuck his tongue at him and continue to eat.

"What's wrong Al?" Zayn asks who's sitting beside me.

"Seriously you're asking me what's wrong?" I said in an annoyed tone.

I heard Harry cackle who's sitting infront of me. "Aww is little Aliya embarrassed because the whole school is talking about how we brought you tampons?" he says in a stupid tone.

I kicked his foot under the table which made him wince in pain. I took my bag and stood up. "I'll go to my next class." I said and glared at Harry before exiting the cafeteria.

I still got 10 minutes to spare before my next class starts, I was making my way to the 2nd floor of our school to get to my Arts class when someone grabbed my arm. I huff in annoyance and looked back to see who was it.

"I heard what happened and I'm not happy about it. Let me tell you this just this once okay bitch? GET. THE. FUCK. AWAY. FROM. MY. BOYFRIEND." Taylor harshly says as she poke my forehead hardly.

I grabbed her hand and glared at her. "You're not in the position to say that just because you're his fucking girlfriend." i barked.

She smirks. "Oh acting tough aren't we? You think you can beat me? Let me remind you that I belong to the popular group in this school,while you on the other hand is just a NOBODY. If it weren't for your brothers others won't even know your existence. I can make your high school life miserable in a snap of a finger,so better think wisely." She preaches and walked away.

I just groan and continue my walk to my next class.

*After 5 hours*

The bell rang signaling it's time to go home now. I was gathering all of my stuffs when Mrs. Jones,my Literature teacher called me infront.

"Aliya, Mr. Higgins told me that you need to meet him after this." She says in a sweet voice.

I smiled at her and muttered thanks then made my way out straight to Mr. Higgins office which is at the end of the hallway at the lowest floor of the school. After what seems 5 minutes i reached his office,it's my second time to be here the first one was it was my first day and now I'm here because of that stupid incident. I knocked and i heard Mr. Higgins voice through the door say "come in". I took a deep breath and opened the door,the four idiots were already there sitting on the couch infront of Mr. Higgins desk, he motioned me to sit down. I sat between Niall and Harry.

Mr. Higgins cleared his throat,folded his arms over his chest and leans on his black swivel chair while looking intently at us.

"I just wanted to personally tell you that the detention starts next week,you'll stay here for 3 hours." he says.

I heard the boys groan beside me. "Won't you let us explain first?" Niall says in annoyed tone.

"Nothing can make my decision change I'm sorry guys." our principal says cooly.

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