33 (Car crash)

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"T'was just a friendly kiss Harry,don't make a big fuss about it." I calmly explained to my fuming husband as I step in our unrecognizable home. "Where's Greta anyway?" My nose scrunching up due to the odor enveloping the entire house, it was a mixture of smoke,alcohol and sweat.

"I sent her home earlier." He replied shortly and started to climb up the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going? Who's going to clean these mess that you made?" I questioned placing my hands on my hips as I look up at Harry from the bottom of the stairs.

"Well guess who? You." He replied sarcastically and continue to go up.

"For fucks sake Harry I'm pregnant! Come down here!" I yell,I'm getting pissed with this spoiled curly brat here.

"Why don't you ask Louis to help you out!" He called down,followed by a loud shutting of a door.

Is he jealous? Who am I kidding?

Since I had no choice left I started to clean the entire house, I've collected four black bag containing shit tons of red cup just in the living room,the kitchen was next,then the backyard and finally the swimming pool. I shut my eyes close just thinking about the mess that those pricks did to my pool,specifically to my backyard where I started to plant some of my favorite flowers. I'm pretty sure I can make a small mountain with the pile of junk that I'm about to collect.

I heaved a sigh after I retrieved the last piece of vodka bottle around the backyard, I stretched up a bit since my back started to hurt,I've been cleaning for what seems like four hours or so,the sun was already setting,fuck I just missed eating my lunch.The door leading to the backyard opened revealing Harry all dressed up with his usual button up shirt folded up to his elbow ,tight black skinny jeans and his brown boots.

"There you are! I'll just head at Taylor's pad. Have a nice evening alone." He says in a mocking tone,with an annoying smirk on his gorgeous face,making my blood boil. He let me clean all this junk and he had the guts to visit his ex? Fucking hell!

"Have a pleasant night with your girlfriend." I retorted then continue to tidy up the backyard.

"Sure will,like you did with Lou last night." He fired back then he's out.

I absentmindedly threw the bottle that I was holding to the door where Harry was just standing a moment ago,the debris scattering. Great I have to clean that up again! "Damn you Harry Styles!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

It was nearly eight pm when I was able to finish cleaning the entire household,I'm tired and hungry as fuck way to go Harry. Since I don't have any energy left within me,I decided to order pizza for my dinner. I settled on the couch in our living room as I wait,just staring at the wedding portrait of Harry and I placed at the white wall of the living room, I had a wide smile on that photo while Harry on the other hand has a straight face making it obvious that he was really against with what is happening. The doorbell rang taking me away from my trance, I slowly walked to our front door,paid the pizza guy ,lock the door and went straight to the dining hall and eat alone,ugh my life is so depressing.

After munching three slices of the Hawaiian pizza that I ordered, I decided to head in my room to have a long time to sleep and to regain the energy that I lost. I took a shower,since I haven't had the time to do so earlier because I was busy working. After the refreshing bathe I prepare for bed,wearing a loose night gown then dried up my hair. I looked at the time on my nightstand which reads 10:13pm, I laid down letting my tiredness take away my consciousness.

The continuous loud shattering of glassware awakened me from my peaceful sleep, my heart started to pound is there a burglar? I nervously got off my bed,taking the nearest thing I could use to hit the possible burglar in my house then slowly crept my way downstairs which was pitch black since I shut off all the lights after going to bed. I'm doomed Louis wouldn't be here to save my lame ass. My heartbeat was accelerating as I take steps down to our living room,the smashing of glassware was finally done,but where's to culprit? I heard the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen,those laughter were so familiar though . I hesitantly walked my way where I'm hearing those sound,the lights were on,the scene welcomed me was Harry and Taylor kissing each other. Harry has his arms wrap around Taylor's waist firmly pulling her closer to his body,while Taylor has her hands tangled in Harry's curls. I was like a statue standing at the doorframe of the kitchen while watching them, I can feel my heart clench due to the ache that I'm feeling. Finally Harry opened his eyes and noticed my pitiful state,I know that my face was covered with the tears that were falling nonstop.

"What are you looking at?" He seethe. Making me scoff, he has the courage to ask me that? They let go of each other and an awkward silence steps in,I looked over to Taylor who just smirk at me.

"Harry we're married y-y-you're not supposed to do this." I said in a hoarse voice.

I heard him scoff from across the room. "Married? Last time I checked it was just because of that thing you have in your stomach that bind- fuck that, it was because of that thing inside you made me be forced to marry you. We're just married in the papers,but don't expect me to treat you like what a husband is supposed to treat his wife." He angrily spat,making my lips quiver to stop the tears that are threatening to fall again.

"Wow that sounds so pathetic." Taylor suddenly chimed in,as she wrap her arms around Harry's waist.

"Shut the fuck up." I said through gritted teeth which she just laughed at my remark.

"You know what Aliya? I'm so tired of this. Living with you,seeing your face everyday reminding me how cruel my life is now,how I can't do the things that I'm supposed to be enjoying at my age." Harry blurted out cutting a deep line in my heart.

"Why Harry? Don't you think I'm not exhausted as you are? I've been trying to reach out to you but you, you keep on pushing me away! I've been trying so hard.." I voiced out followed by the new set of hot tears to fall.

He scoff. "Taylor wait on me in my car babe,I'll just take care of this." He muttered sweetly at the blonde chick and gave her the car keys, Taylor gladly obliged and left,then he turned to me giving me a cold stare. "I don't give a damn if you're sick of this! Because it was entirely your fault! If you didn't let me touch you that night then we're not in this fucking situation!" He barks as he pull his hair in frustration and screw his eyes shut.

I started to take steps coming closer to him, I placed my left hand on his shoulder which he harshly tug off. "Please Harry,just try to work this out. I'm begging you." I said in a weak voice.

"I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore. I don't care if my family disowns me after this,but heck I can't live a life like this." He says with a clench jaw. "I'll send the annulment papers in few days. Goodbye Aliya." He coldly said and left me there. I was standing motionless until I heard the roaring of Harry's car engine, I can't let him go. I love him so much. I simply can't.

I marched up the stairs as fast a I could to search for my car keys, I went straight to my vanity mirror and took the keys where they usually lay. I carefully went down taking my phone which was at the couch where I left it,locking the door after then went to my car and started to search for Harry. I dialed his number on my phone as I try to keep my eyes on the road,it just kept on ringing. I tried again finally he picked up.

"Aliya please leave me alone-

"Harry please come back to me, where are you?" I cried to the phone.

"Fuck are you trying to follow me right now?! Get home now! You're pregnant fuck it's too dangerous." He blabs through the other line.

I step on the gas as the car speed up not listening to Harry's order. "Just tell me where you are, I need you. Our son needs you-

Then a blinding headlights approached my car followed by a deafening screeching,I screw my eyes shut when I felt a strong impact on my head when I hit it on the window , the hood of my car just folded like a pice of paper,my head was resting on the steering wheel due to the dizziness I'm feeling, i can hear some muffled noise coming from my phone which I dropped on the floor. The siren of the ambulance was the last thing I heard before loosing my consciousness.

Here you go!

So maybe the next chapter would be the last chapter for the flashbacks 😁😁

And I want to dedicate this chapter to my internet best friend Blue-eyedhemmo

Whom I miss so much! We haven't talked for like a week already 😭😭 i hope she's just fine

And she's doing fine in her uni

I miss you Al (yes i named my heroine after her) take care of yourself always babe!

I love you heaps xx

So vote


Thank you lovelies x

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