21 (I just had sex with Harry)

574 10 3

*Holy Water
*Most of All y'all need Jesus

There's a mature content in here!

So if you're 12 below uhm don't read! And if you still do,don't blame me for ruining your "innocence " that'd be all

Enjoy little pervs 😂😂

After few dances as the King and Queen of the Prom my dilemma is all done,I really felt uncomfortable dancing with him,we didn't even talked it was so awkward. I came back to where I left my brother,my best friend and my date a while ago only to be disappointed,they all ditched me,someone even told me that Ash was with Bianca Rose she's blonde as well,why do boys always ditch me for blondes? I tried my luck to find my "squad " again but no to avail. I got annoyed and walked out of the hall,not even bothering to remove my sash and crown and walked to something particular,the bar in this hotel i want to get piss drunk,I don't even know why.

As I get in some gave me weird stare because of my outfit,yeah I'm overdressed no need to make it more fucking obvious. I shrug off the judgmental stares that I'm getting and sited in a empty stool.

"What- whoa i-I'm sorry ma'am,what can I get you?" The brunette bartender asks eyeing me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Would you stop staring me and just give me darn drink? What's the big deal if I'm wearing a fucking gown with a crown and sash on?" I rant making the bartender flinch a bit with my harsh words,I was a bit guilty for snapping at him but not in the mood to apologize. "Give me the strongest drink you got here."

He seems to hesitate at first but one of his colleague approached him and whispered something to him which was loud enough for me to hear. "Give here what she wants,she's Simon Cowell's daughter,and Mr. Cowell is one of the top shareholder here, now move." The bartender nodded and served me shots of a strong liquor which he said was a fireball what is it even? All i know is it fucking burns my throat.

There were only few people left inside the bar,is it that late already? How the hell am I gonna go home? I didn't bring my phone with me nor any money which made me realize how the hell will I pay this darn drinks I had. I shove the thoughts away and get drunk more, I was about to take my 12th shot when someone grabbed it from me.

"What the fuck is yow prowblem!" I slurred angrily.

The guy who i can't picture who,sat at the empty stool at my left side. "Seriously Aliya getting drunk? All alone?" A familiar voice say.

"H-harry?" I chocked and squinted my eyes to make sure that it's not just an illusion. It was indeed him,there was a crease on his forehead,his brows almost meeting and a scowl on his pretty lips and he's still wearing his sash and crown hah!

"Why'd you left? And where's your date? Where's Niall and Norlyn?" He nags.

I huff in annoyance and ordered the bartender for another shot who seems unsure to give it to me since Harry was glaring at him giving him a "give it to her and I'm fucking killing you' look. I told him that I got it and luckily he obliged with my demand making Harry groan.

"That's your last drink for tonight,I'm taking you home." He ordered like a dad.

"Nooo i dent wont to ge homee" i slurred and downed my drink. Hissing because of the burning sensation in my throat.

"Then what do you want?" He said in an annoyed tone.

I glared at him. "Why t-the fuck do you care? Go find Taylor and l-leave me alone like you always do!" I said angrily,wow thanks to the power of alcohol I got to say how I felt.

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