32(Tommo to the rescue)

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"You're supposed to be in uni,what are you doing here?" I ask Louis as we enter his bachelor pad which was two hours away from my house and Harry's. I took a seat on his black leather couch as Lou dispersed to the kitchen to grab something to eat since he was starving.

He returned back with two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate with chocolate moose cake,he settled it to the table in front of the couch and took a sit beside me. "Well I have five days off since our midterm exams were done,so I decided to pay mum and dad a visit." He answers casually then shove some of the cake in his mouth. "Are you sure you're just fine? After what happened earlier?" He worriedly ask after finishing the piece of cake.

"Yes,seriously Lou I'm good and please don't tell anyone a single thing about what happened." I lied, I'm still shaken what happened, I almost got raped for fucks sake. "Please Lou?" I pressed and give him a puppy eyes making him groan which made me smile triumphantly since I know that I just won.

"Fine. Just be more careful next time okay?" He lectures as he continue to eat the cake not bothering to offer me some,which I didn't mind.

"So you're going to be a doctor in few years time huh?" I said breaking the silence.

Louis smiled and turned to me. "Shocker huh? Well it's kinda fun studying medicine and all,getting to dissect shits and seeing their organs and blood makes my blood pumping!" He happily say.

"Ew Lou,that sounds so morbid." I blurt and scrunch my face in disgust.

The prick just laughed at my state and continues to devour the cake,after few minutes of bantering a yawn escaped my mouth. "Time for bed now yeah? Wait up I'll just settle this in the kitchen and I'll get you to bed." He blabs and scurry off the kitchen with our emptied cup of hit chocolate and his plate of chocolate moose cake. Louis came back with a clean cloth which he uses to dry his hands. "Let's go." He usher and help to get up from the couch. We walked to his dark corridor in silence and stopped at the last door. Louis turned on the lights revealing his posh bedroom,it was decorated with the finest and expensive looking furnitures and paintings,his king size bed was covered with a black and silver sheets. "We have a problem,I only have one room here in my pad." He says frantically making me laugh.

"Lou,we could fit on your bed!" I exclaimed.

"But are you sure? I can sleep in the couch if you want to. I know that you're still shaken from what happened-

"Let's just sleep tommo." I said tiredly cutting him off then went straight to his bed,removing the slippers that he lend me earlier as I walk. I tuck myself under the sheets and nuzzle my face on the fluffy pillow,Louis's scent filling up my nose. I heard the rush of water in the bathroom connected to the room as Louis prepares for bed. Few minutes passed I heard the bathroom door open,lights went out and then the bed dips. I was facing Louis backwards as I can feel him tossing and turning on his side. I heaved a sigh and turned to face him. "Are you okay?" I asked in a small voice.

Louis stopped at his actions. "Shit I'm sorry Al, I just can't sleep."

"What's bothering you?" I asked afterward as I look at him in the dark.

"Nothing important,just sleep Aliya. Goodnight." He dodges the question.

"Goodnight Lou and thank you again for saving me." I replied and turned my back on him again.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room,making me frightened a bit. I felt someone nuzzle his or her head the back of my neck making goosebumps all over my body, I slowly turned to the opposite side of the bed welcomed by a peaceful sleeping Louis, now I remember everything. I let minutes passed by as I just stare at the beauty ahead of me. Harry wouldn't be happy with what you're doing a voice in my head says. And so? As if he cares another voice say.

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