31 (A Month of Being Mrs. Styles)

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The front door slammed shut causing me to open my eyes slowly, I fell asleep in our living room again waiting for Harry to be home just like I always do for the past thirty days that we've been together. Our marriage is totally a nightmare for me, I mean I wasn't expecting him to be a great husband to me or something but he just treat me like I'm invisible or some shit. He never spare me a glance or even say a word to me unless I talk to him. It's really difficult living at the same roof with the person who despises you.

Harry drunkly walk to the staircase not even acknowledging my presence, he was too wasted to climb up to his room and i bet he couldn't make it without being rushed to the ambulance any time soon. I exerted all the energy that I have to  assist him, I huff in annoyance since my baby bump has been restraining me to move for the past months since it gotten bigger, as Dr. Woods said I'll give birth within the third week of November, I still have  four months to spare.

I caught up with Harry who's at the mid part of the stairs mumbling incoherent things under his breath, I gently place his right arm around my shoulder while wrapping my hand around his waist to help him stand up.

"G-get off o-of me!" He slurs and tried to push me but I only tighten my grip around him.

"Just let me take you to your room,please." I gently plead, I'm still sleepy so he better be cooperative. He just snort at my request and let me help him in getting to his room. He's fucking heavy and for Christ sake I'm pregnant! But I never complained since day one, I still try to make our relationship work out but he just wouldn't let me in his heart. After the minutes of dragging the cute demon to his room we're finally here, I turned the lights on then walked over to his bed and carefully lay Harry on it, I heaved a sigh as I look at the boy in front of me. He looked like a mess but a beautiful mess,  his curly hair around his face,the buttons of his flannel not button up to their respective place and the strong smell of alcohol radiating from him. I sighed once again and went to the bathroom connected to his room and took a basin filled it with cold water and a little bit of alcohol,a clean small cloth and walked back to Harry's bed. I pulled the small chair near his bedside table and started dabbing the wet cloth to him. Once I was done cleaning his face, I shakily pop open the buttons of his flannel revealing toned tanned chest.

"You got this Aliya, you've done this for the past days you've been together." I convince myself, I can feel the room getting hotter as minutes passes by. I really hate the effect he has on me. With a final twist I was done opening flannel and fucking hell I could see his happy trail, i dabbed the wet cloth around his upper body nervously. After I'm done cleaning his upper parts I retrieve a clean white shirt and a boxer shorts from his closet. It was a struggle putting on his shirt since I had to lift him up while doing so, he just mumble things and not wake up while I'm doing all the work. And the hardest part taking care of a drunk Harry was removing his skinny jeans,which seems to be glued to his legs. Dr. Woods advised me not to work too much but taking care of Harry is a big task. Finally I succeed on taking it off and tried my best not to look at south. I slip the boxers to his legs and prepare myself as I push it upward,after the few push,lift and turn he's all done. I took back the basin to his bathroom and went back to Harry just to tuck the duvet properly since its a bit cold. I kissed his forehead a whisper goodnight before leaving his room.

"I hate you Aliya." He mumbled under his breath and turned his back at me. I felt my heart drop at his comment but decided I to let it slip and just try to fall asleep to my room.

"Good morning love!" Greta, our stay out helper greeted me while I'm busy making Harry's breakfast.

"Good morning to you too." I greeted back with a smile and turn off the stove and placed the sizzling bacon in a plate together with the scrambled eggs then placed them to the dinning table after.

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