26 (Wedding dress and a demanding fiancè)

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"To be honest,I was really surprised when Bell told me last week that some Cowell made an appointment here and I was quite shocked when you came here." Dr. Woods tells as she get up from her seat after examining me and my baby.

I lifted up my shirt to cover my once exposed stomach and carefully got off the bed and seated at the couch in her clinic watching as she scribble notes. "Guess that's how the world will feel when they'll know that the daughter of Simon Cowell is pregnant at the age of seventeen. I can imagine now how my father's colleagues,employees and friends will react." I said bitterly followed by a dry laugh making Dr. Woods look at me with a worried expression on her face.

She sighs. "Don't think too much of how will people take the reality that you are indeed pregnant, at least you're not one of those teenagers who chose abortion to come clean so the society won't judge them." She says thoughtfully and gave me a reassuring smile,making me smile too and lift some weight in my chest.

"Thanks doctor, I pretty appreciate you're understanding and for you not judging me unlike others would." I said sincerely making the doctor grin widely at me.

"That's nothing sweetie,all i ask for you is to take care of yourself and the baby and next week for your appointment we'll get to know if you have a baby girl or a baby boy!" She beams excitedly making me feel all giddy in the inside,I can't wait to see if I'll have a she or a he. "So better start thinking of names now." She mused,then her telephone rang and based on the conversation it was Bell she was talking to,and one of her patient arrived for her daily check up as well. She put down the phone and looked at me with a sad frown. "Wish I could talk to you a bit longer,but another patient came so I'll see you next week?" She said and got up from her seat walking straight to her door and opened it for me.

I took my handbag and grab the invitation for my wedding. I smiled at her and handed the invitation shyly. "Uh here's an invitation for my- my wedding next weekend. It'll mean so much if you can come. And you can bring Bell so you can have someone to accompany too or your boyfriend." I blab making the doctor smile and engulfed me in a hug making me stiffen a bit but hugged back after.

She let go of me and smile widely as she hold the invitation in her left hand. "I'd be more willing to come,and thanks for inviting me i didn't expect this and I'll bring Andrew with me." She says happily.

I smiled back and bid my goodbye to her.

"Aliya! Drive safely on your way home,and dear next time bring the father of your child during your check up." She calls as i was about to head out of her clinic,I just gave her a thumbs up and went out,bidding Bell a goodbye as well who was standing behind the desk.

I went to my car and drive straight to our house,well this past week has been busy since we're rushing things for our wedding. It's not extravagant in fact there could only be a hundred of guest,only those people who are close to my family and Harry's. As for my relationship for Harry,nothing improved he became more rude as days past by,he doesn't come to the wedding rehearsals,he didn't even come with me while picking our cake for our wedding. He let me do all the stuff since I was the only one who was happy about this lame ass wedding according to him and he says he's busy since he'll graduate high school within few months,which I understand. Last week I dropped out of school since as my doctor advised it is much safer at home that my torturous hell of a school,well the news got my school and I became the hottest gossip issue for weeks and they've been labeling me degrading names,I even receive countless hurtful txt messages in my phone making me change my number for multiple times just to get away from those twats.

I was busy focusing on the road when my phone started to ring in my bag, I blindly searched for it with my right hand as my left hand is glued to the steering wheel ,after few attempts I got a hold of it and put it on a loudspeaker so I won't end up in a car crash.

"Hun, Oscar is here for your wedding gown are you done with your appointment with Dr. Woods?" My mother's calm voice says through the other line. She quitted her job in our company to keep an eye on me and my pregnancy which my father agreed to do so,since he said he couldn't trust me and maybe do another dumb thing again, yeah it hurts like hell since my relationship with my father was a wreck since he found out that I was pregnant,but I decided to shrug it off and be strong i still got my mum and my brothers back they've been so supportive and they call me from time to time just to check up one me. I was shocked that they weren't that mad when they learned the news instead they supported me with my decision which is a huge relief to me.

I was too occupied with my thoughts that I forgot about my mother who was waiting for my answer. I can see our house from afar before I answered my mum. "Yeah I'm here mum see you in 5." I said quickly and hung up,the huge gates soon opened and I drive straight to our garage, Oscar's car was there. I parked mine in my usual spot next to Niall's but his wasn't there since its a weekday and he needs to be in school. I hop out and walked quickly in so they won't need to wait a little longer. As I open the door there were numerous people running around,reminding me of my prom few months back,the view ahead of me was so like it. Soon Oscar emerges from the living room followed by his minions as usual,he stopped giving instructions when he saw me.

He walked towards me with a smile on his face. "Here you are! How have you been darling? Are you,excited for your wedding gown?"he beams enthusiastically and pulled me to our living room not even bothering to hear my response to his questions. The living room was filled with various of wedding gowns,which were all gorgeous. My mum was there and looking at them one by one,she stopped once she saw us.

"How was the check up?" She immediately ask and looked at my baby bump.

"T'was good and she said I'd be able to know my child's gender next week." I explained which my mother just nod to for a response.

As i was busy looking for a gown my mother asked a question making me stop on my actions. "Have you talked to Harry? Haven't seen him since we started to prepare for this wedding." My mother points out,making me sig,while Oscar was busy pretending not hearing our conversation as he plays with a wedding dress in his hand,running his hands on it feeling the fabric.

"He's busy with school so let's not bother him and besides we're doing great right? And Gemma's been a huge help right?" I reasoned making my mother just shake her head.

"You're always on his side,so why bother arguing." She comments and took another wedding dress in her hand.

We carried on trying different sort of dress and I'm getting exhausted as times pass by,thankfully after the hours of searching I settled on a wedding gown that has a sweetheart neckline,loose at the stomach area since of my baby bump and is flowy all the way down. A yawn made its way out of my mouth,my mum noticed snd told me to get some rest and she'll take care of it,which I gladly oblige. I walked to my room like a zombie,since my energy is drained as fuck,a smile crept to my lips when i got to see my bed. I walked in a fast phase and threw my body on it feeling the comfort of my mattress,i can feel my lids slowly closing when my phone in my bag started to ring violently. I groaned and roll over to retrieve the annoying device.

I slide the answer button and lazily muttered a hello.

"Get your ass to our house,my parents wants you to be with us for dinner."then he hung up.

"Dick" i mutter under my breath and decided to take a nap before going to the Styles' for dinner just like what the demanding jerk instructed.


Here you go!

Wish me luck for my major exam tomorrow! Haha

Might not update for next week?

I'm busy but ill try to so yeah

Keep being cool babes xx

Love y'all'

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