24 (Busted)

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After drenching myself from the rain, I get in my car not minding if I'll mess it up due to my wet clothes,tossed my soaked bag on the passenger seat and drove straight home. I didn't bother to turn on the AC since I'm not planning to kill my self by freezing lGet an abortion, Harry's words keeps on repeating in my head making my chest to tighten and for me to gasp for some air, Why is it so easy for him to kill his child? I mean yeah we're too young for this but is abortion really a way to solve this? Cause for me it'll hunt me for life if I end the life inside me,my conscience wouldn't let me live a peaceful life. I was so drown with my thoughts when my phone started to ring. I opened my bag as I try to find it whilst my eyes are still on the road ,finally I felt the familiar shape of my phone thankfully it wasn't broken, I put in on loudspeaker and settled it back down the seat.

"How did it go?" Norlyn says from the other line,I can hear some commotions in the background so I assume she still at work.

I inhaled deeply. "Well he told me to get an abortion." I said flatly followed by a moment of silence,I must've shocked my best friend.

"What the fuck?! He did?" She barks recovering from her shock. I just nod though she can't see me. "Tell me you're against it." She says weakly.


"Fuck you're not killing an innocent child!" She cuts me off.

"Will you chill for a sec? Hun may I remind you I'm the one pregnant here not you." I reasoned out.

She must've got my point. "Fine. Speak." She says defeated.

"Well I'm definitely keep this child" then i heard Norlyn sigh in relief. "In fact I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow and you're coming with me." I demanded.

"Thank heavens,well I'd be more willing to accompany you dear." She says sweetly then i heard a PARKER GET BACK TO WORK! Then my best friend hung up afterwards making me laugh a bit,the bitch was caught. Finally our house was in the view,the gates opened and I maneuver to our garage parking beside Niall's car. It's a Friday? He's not out partying odd. I took my things and get in our house making Nana gasp when see saw my appearance.

"My what happened to you?" She says worriedly and called one of our maids to get me a clean towel.

"I was just in the mood to play under the rain." I said playfully making her spank my bum like she used to do when we we're little if we ever committed naughty things. Soon after she passed me the towel that Linda? I suppose gave her.

"Nonsense go and take a shower then head down I prepared dinner." And she scurry her way to the kitchen.

I walk straight to my room passing when I noticed Niall's bedroom door was open, I walked to it finding my dear brother setting up his PS2.

"What are you playing?" I curiously ask startling him from what he's doing,dropping one controller to the floor.

"Jesus learn to knock will ya? And Harry is coming over and have a game with me just like old times." He blabbers and continued with his business.

Harry is coming? How fun. "Okay, I'll see you down for dinner then."

"Sure and why are you,soaked anyways?" He poi out as he put some wires to his t.v. Thankfully he finally noticed his sister is drenched,i say to myself.

"Well i kinda felt the urge to play under the rain." I lied making Niall scoff and mutter pretty mature under his breath. I dismissed myself and went to my room throwing my bag to the floor immediately and ran straight to the bathroom and stripped down letting the hot water cover my cold body. I can hear Harry's harsh words again making me groan in annoyance and scrub my body like a maniac making my skin red after. After staying under the shower for God knows how long I took my towel off the hook and dried myself. I took a pair of undies,a black sweatpants matching my black hoodie making me feel comfy when I finished. I dried my hair and put in a messy bun and walk down since my stomach was grumbling and I need to feed my baby, I felt bad I haven't eaten properly these past few days making me promise to take care of myself from now on till I get to give birth to my child. I absentmindedly placed a hand onto my stomach as i went down for food. I was busy with the baby in my thoughts when I bumped into someone in the stairs. I looked up to see Harry standing in front of me looking down to where my hand was resting,making me retrieve it immediately and coughed. I decided to pretend that I didn't see him and continue to walk down when i felt a hand harshly pulled me back.

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