18 ("I hate blondes!")

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4 Months Later

I lazily pull the cover off my body and shut the horrendous sound coming from my alarm clock,geez it's the first day of school again. I really didn't feel the summer break for fucks sake! Well it had been a month since Zayn graduated and left for UCLA,the house is much quieter than before. I dread the day when Niall will move out,I'd be left alone here,I badly miss the old times when we're all together in one roof. My brothers might be annoying as hell but I love them to bits. There were a lot of changes in our house lately,I never get to see mom and dad that much since our company is getting bigger so they're busier than ever ,and Niall I can't get a hold of him,that prick is always with my best friend,they're inseparable since they've been together.

I sleepily walk to my bathroom rubbing my eyes when I hit the doorframe,now I'm totally awake. I wince in pain "Fuck you door!" I discarded my pjs and hop in the shower letting the cold water soak me. After scrubbing here and there I'm done,I grabbed my towel on the hook and covered my self. I picked out my outfit for today which consists of a knitted sweater since its cold,my black skinny jeans and my brown knee boots. My hair is a bit shorter now,just reached pass my shoulder so it's a lot easier to fix it than before,I put it on a neat ponytail letting my side bangs fall,put on my usual make and I'm done. I grabbed my car keys at my vanity,my wallet and bag then march down the stairs. I stride through the kitchen getting a refrigerated apple not in a mood to eat breakfast ,bid Nana a goodbye and I'm out.

I got in my car,still got 20 minutes before school starts, Green Day is blasting in my stereo,making me hum and lightly bang my head to the tune. I pull over to my usual spot in the parking lot,unbuckle my seatbelt and got off welcomed by the rushing students at my sight,the usual .I breathe in some fresh air,two more years and I'd be out in this hellhole I thought to myself. I waited for some time for the other students get in first,cause they seem so "excited for today. When the corridor was passable enough for my liking I entered inside and marched straight to my locker. I was busy stacking my books when I felt someone tug my arm,I huff in annoyance and turned to whoever it is.

"Hiiiii." my best friend beams ,I just rolled my eyes at her,since summer we never had time to hangout together since she was always with my annoying blonde brother. "I'm really sorry hun,if I hadn't time to chill with you, because-" i placed my right hand in her face to stop her confession since I understand it. they're in a relationship so it's just normal that she needs to focus on Niall more than me,though how much it sucks. Man I need a boyfriend as well lol.

We walked together to our class,luckily we have all the same class together like before. As we walk through the hallways leading to the stairs to the third where our History class is we bumped into the two people that I've been avoiding to cross path with. The blonde blue eyed girl and the curly haired with emerald eyes dude. I felt Norlyn squeezed my sides and muttered don't look but the bitch with Harry is being annoying as usual.

"Hi Aliya and Norlyn long time no see." she says too sweetly for my liking, Norlyn just scoffed at her greetings while Harry just keep silent, we never really talked since the day we watched the movie and he made me confused as hell.

I fake smile at her "yeah it's been a while. It's was nice bumping with you guys but we need to get going now. see you around ." I politely say and drag Norlyn away.

When we're nearly at the stairs Taylor yelled. "Come to my party this Friday! It'll be a blast." then walked off with Harry.

"Don't fucking tell me you're even planning coming there." Norlyn warns. I just shrugged and continue to walk leaving my best friend mumbling incoherent things behind me.

After 12345 years lol
Finally school is over,we didn't do anything much today since it's just the first day,more on introduce yourself infront of the class and what shit we did last summer. Norlyn and I are walking to the parking lot with Niall of course ,since he provides my best friend a ride anywhere she goes. I suddenly missed Tommo, he always keeps me company but he needs to go to Uni. He decided to go to YALE which made me confused a bit thought he'd to UCLA as well like my brothers . I bid my best friend and Niall goodbye and hop in my car driving straight home, I miss my bed so much. I drive faster than I was supposed to and finally our house coming into view . I was welcomed by silence as i go in our house ,I need to get use to this. I walked straight to my room refusing the snack that Nana was offering to me. I immediately jumped in my bed not bothering to remove my shoes and throw my bag to God knows where not even caring if something will break in there. I nuzzle to the comfort of my bed,as I was about to doze off to sleep my phone started to ring making me groan loud and throw huggie away but I picked him up too quickly and apologized to it,i love this stuffed animal so much! Zayn's name was on ,he trying to FaceTime with me. I answered it and Zayn's handsome face appeared ,though how much moody this jerk is i kinda miss it.

"Hey!!!" He says happily .

I smiled at him. "sup Zayn, what do you want?" I asked.

"Uhm, I just want to introduce you to someone ."he says sounding uneasy. i just cocked my head to the side waiting for him to talk. Then a blonde girl came into the view,making my eyes widen, I know where is this going. I'm not liking it. "This is Perrie my-"

"Ugh YOU KNOW THAT I HATE BLONDES!" I angrily said and hung up.


Feel like updating hehe

Keep hanging babes!

Be patient

Love y'll 💋💋

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