23 (Get an abortion ; I don't want anything to do with that)

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I stare at my ceiling contemplating if I'll go in the shower or just stay all day in bed, I'm really not feeling the mood to be in school today.Weeks passed in a blink of an eye and I still can't have the guts to tell my parents nor my brothers about my baby , A sigh escaped my mouth just thinking about that word am I really going to be a mother? I'm just seventeen for fucks sake! I can't even tell it to the father of my child. I'm aware that I'm gaining weight a bit since most of my jeans don't fit me, the baby is about 2 and a half months Norlyn suggested me to have an appointment with a doctor soon which I'm really hesitant to do,it's really uncomfortable like I'm too young to see a doctor because I'm pregnant and what if someone tells the news to my father,he has a lot of connection so it's not possible for him not to know.

I peeled off the duvet on my body and made my way to my bathroom,maybe a shower would help sort my thoughts. I did my daily routine a.k.a scrubbing,shampooing and brushing my teeth,wrapped my body with my towel sighing as I glanced down at my tummy. I decided on wearing some of my loose jeans,one of Niall's shirt which has MONDAY written on it and my white low cut converse for my feet,letting my hair fall behind . I draped my bag onto my shoulders,grabbed my phone,keys,wallet and jogged down finding Niall just about to leave the house as well with a sandwich in his mouth,he greeted me a good morning with his mouthful and went out,me following behind him I didn't want to eat I'm really not feeling it,I just hope it won't affect the baby. We went to our cars separately and head off to school. Niall turned to a corner,probably going to my best friend's place like he usually do. I'm really thankful that Norlyn hasn't told anyone yet speaking of her she'll definitely flip if she finds out that I skipped breakfast again.

I slowed down the speed of my car as I get nearer our school grounds parking at my usual place. I unbuckle my seatbelt gathered my stuff and went in squeezing my way as I pass the over populated hallways. I'm really tired of this scenario everyday,specifically seeing couples playing tonsil hockey everywhere. Finally I made it to my locker throwing stuffs that I won't need till 10 am. I felt someone tapped my back making me turn at his or her direction. I found Norlyn standing there Niall beside him the usual.

"I'll head now,see ya later babe." Niall says and kissed Norlyn's forehead, Which made me feel jealous ,they're so in love he met his squad who were waiting for him nearby, Harry was with them avoiding my stare at him.

We started to walk to our first class 10 minutes before the bell rings, we were about to take the stairs which will lead us to the third floor,they badly need to put some elevator or escalator in here I'm not kidding.

"When are you planning to tell it to him?" Norlyn says which made me stop on my track and glance over to her.

"I'm not planning to." I said flatly making my best friend scoff,she's been urging me to tell Harry since maybe just maybe he might care about the welfare of our child.

She started to walk ahead of me making me quicken my pace just to catch up,we stopped in front of our designated room,Norlyn turning to me.

"When will you tell him? When your stomach is all blown up?" She says annoyed and held the doorknob.

I glared at her and look at our surrounding making sure that no one heard it. "Don't you fucking say anything about it when we're in public. Just stop sticking your nose in it." I snarled.

Her face fell,hurt was evident in her eyes as tears started to form but she held it and laughed bitterly. "Fine. I just do this since I'm concerned with you and that thing inside you, I just didn't know that this is what I'll get for caring too much. But fuck it,I'm done you're on your on as you wish." She says bitterly and went in making me curse under my breath. I fucked it up,I regretted everything i said to my best friend,she was right all she did was to care and this is how I'm going to repay her,I'm so stupid. I sigh and went in my class since my teacher was nearly approaching. Norlyn seated at the front row ,while I sat at the last.

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