36(Happy Birthday Niall!)

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"Cindy send the head of the financing department in my office right this moment." I ordered my p.a through the intercom as I skim through the documents I have,the company's loosing some money ,specifically at our businesses that are based in USA. My phone started to blare averting my attention from the documents, I got up from my seat and retrieve my phone that is making horrendous sounds, Liam's face was on view.

"What's up Lee? I'm kind of busy make it quick." I demanded as I get back to the documents again.

"Hello to you too sis,but do you know what date it is today?" He says through the other line. He called me for that? Doesn't he have a calendar or something?

"You called me for that? Seriously Liam." I answered in an annoyed tone.

"Go check your calendar sis." He pushed, I groan before doing what he told me.

"September 13th." I answered shortly and put a highlight on some important details on the papers in front of me.

"And?" He asks.

"And what? Jesus Liam tell me what you want I'm really busy today,I don't have time for your games." I grunt,then I heard Cindy through the intercom inquiring that the person I asked is already here.

"It's Niall's birthday today and you're the only one who's still not around here." He breathed out. Shit I forgot about it.

"Fuck why didn't you tell me earlier?!" I yell as I start to run around my office collecting my things,then instructed Cindy to call my driver and wait for me outside the building.

"Hurry up,he's almost done cooking for our dinner in his restaurant." He said in a sing sang tone making more annoyed as ever.

"Piss off,I'm on my way." I quickly answered and hung up. I hurriedly went to my door,spotting Cindy and the head of the financial department whom I forgot the name. I turned to the gentleman giving him an apologetic look. "Sorry just have an important matter to attend,go to my office first thing in the morning tomorrow." I announced and turned to Cindy. "Is Dave already there?"

"Yes Ms. Aliya." She answers abruptly.

I nod. "I'll go ahead. Cindy you could go home now after sorting my schedule tomorrow." Then I bid my goodbyes and ran to the elevators. Fuck I still don't have a gift for Niall. I got in the elevator pressing the button to the main floor, I unlocked my phone seeing a notification,it was a text message from Liam indicating that the celebration is held in The Shard where one of Niall's restaurants is,yes the fucker is a successful chef/businessman now,who would've thought right? Finally I reached the lobby,the employees greeting me as I step out which I just returned with a sly smile and walk in a fast phase to my car where Dave was already waiting,he opened the backseat when he sees me, I gave him a quick than you and threw my bag beside me after getting my make up purse as I try to retouch my make up which was on my face for the whole day.

"Where to Ms. A?" He asks through the rearview mirror with a smile as he starts to maneuver the car.

"The Shard, it's Niall's birthday today gosh I forgot about it,I'm such a bad sister." I blab as I dab some of the foundation on my face. Dave just chuckled at my agony and focused on driving.

"What's the best gift should I give him? What do you think Dave?" I ask after finishing putting on my ruby red lipstick,chucking back my make up kit in my bag.

"Maybe knives? Since he's a chef." He says unsure making my eyes flicker with the idea he gave me.

"Good idea,thank you so much Dave!" I beam then dialed Cindy's number in my phone,after few rings finally she picked up. "Cindy can you order some personalized knives from the most expensive knife maker shit in our city?" I said in a fast way.

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