41("Oh that's your Ex-Husband?")

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"So what brought you here?" I said in a bored tone as I step in my office which is invaded by four giant kangaroos throwing my bag beside Michael whose comfortably sitting on the couch like he owns it.

"We just missed you,so we paid you a visit!" Luke beams as Calum helps him spin the swivel chair around,ugh how old are these?

"And besides its been years since we last saw each other." Ashton butted in as he roam around my office,inspecting the furnitures,paintings or anything that's worth looking at. I took a sit beside Michael,shoving off his feet in the process since he's occupying most of the space,earning a deathly glare from the newly dyed bloke.

"You're going to get bald any day now." I commented which he just answered by giving me the finger and looked back to his phone,probably tweeting their fans.

"What the fuck! You're a mum now?!" I heard Calum yell across the room,Michael immediately tear his gaze off his device then look to where Calum's gaze is. I turned to where they are looking,which was where my niece are with a confused look etched on their faces.

"H-how did that happened?" Michael baffled beside me,giving me a questioning look.

"We're not her daughters you twat,we're her nieces. Our dad is Zayn her brother." Lux says with an attitude as she rolls her eyes to the boys.

"Ohhhh,they bite." Ashton chimed in earning chuckles from everyone except from the twins.

"Who are they aunt Al? And why'd you keep on leaving us! What if we get lost!" Xia stressed out as they go in the office,settling theirselves on the couch in front of the couch where Michael,and I are sitting.

"Well they're my friends from australia,your unlce Niall knows them in fact. And please don't exaggerate you were just outside my office dear." I explained my words turned to a sarcastic tone at the end. The twins just nodded at my explanation then carried on talking to one another.

"What brought you to London anyway?" I asked to no one in particular.

"It's our world tour and London is the next stop." Calum informed as he launched himself on top of Mikey earning a grunt from the multi colored hair dude.

A smile spread across my face,time flies I could still remember the day I first met them in Cali when Norlyn and I had our spring break there,they were singing on the streets a small crowd surrounding them as they sing their own compositions of songs. Norlyn recognized Ash,then we waited till they were done with their mini show,since then we became good friends with them. Michael even said that they're going to be famous one day,then look where they are now. As cheesy as it fucking sounds I'm proud of them. "How many shows do you have?" I questioned as I lean on Calum.

"Two shows here then we're moving to Cardiff." Luke answers as he joined the twins on the couch,eventually he ended up talking woth them regarding the cartoons and penguins. Wow.

"Can you go tonight?" Ash asks,whose now standing behind the couch messing with his phone.

"I don't know,I'm quite busy with-"

"Oh my God you changed already,why because you're a fucking C.E.O now? Bring back our friend! The old Aliya wouldn't do this to us,she'll say yes immediately because she can't miss our epic gig!" Michael exaggerated fanning his small hands on his pale face,cutting me off.

"Don't be too dramatic Clifford,I'm coming. Stop with the emotional blackmailing scheme." I retorted making the other laugh at our banter.

Michael grinned then arise from his seat,making Calum fall to the carpeted floor but the other didn't bother to say sorry as he launched his self to me,giving me tight hug or should I say choked me to death. "Yay! I know you can't resist us. Now stand up! Lead us to the pantry so we could grab something to eat,we haven't eaten anything since we landed in here from L.A so you better make us food!" He demanded as he pull me off the couch,not even asking if I wanted to be their chef.

"Can we just go out and eat! I'll treat you to one of Niall's restaurant downtown. The food there is superb." I gushed but Michael didn't buy it as he continues to drag me down to the elevators Cindy giving us weird looks as we do so but didn't ask a question,the others following us,Lux was even being carried by Calum and Xia was with Luke and Ashton? He's carrying Xia's crutches. The seven of us went in the elevator then I pressed the 35t floor where a cafeteria/the pantry was in. The small ride was filled with bantering,most from Michael and I just like the old times. Finally we reached the floor,the lads stop on their track as they took in the view of the pantry I was referring to.

"It looks like a fucking restaurant." Luke blurted out which the others agreed to by nodding. So what can I say? The pantry did look like a restaurant more than what should it be,it really looks more of a canteen that you can see in the movies,there were long white tables,there was a counter filled with different varieties of foods pizza,cake,mac and cheese and so on,it's like a buffet table,Since we have the twins for two weeks the pantry operators added meals which the kids would like,mostly sweets there's even a chocolate fountain for fucks sake,my dad decided to do this just to somehow relieve the stress of the employees,anything you take in this is charged in the company. So you can eat all you want. Another reason why they love Simon Cowell.

"Are we going or what?" Xia says snapping back the boys from their daydreaming. We walked in,the employees greeting us as we do so,some of them might've recognized who I am with based on the shocked look on their faces,I asked the boys to take a picture with them since obviously they're too shy about it. After the meet and greet we took the empty table near where the counter is, I was seated between Michael and Calum,Luke beside Lux then Xia and Ashton at the end from the chair across us.

"What do you want guys?" Calum asks as he rose from his seat.

"Everything." Lux says with a sheepish smile on her face.

"Okay ma'am,just wait. Boys I need your assistance." Calum says in a posh tone making the twins giggle,the four skyscrapers went to the counter and practically took every variety of food that was served today,just like what the twins asked them to.

"Those fuckers." I muttered under my breath,some of the people in the room are looking at our direction with an amused reaction,some have a terrified look. The four of them keep coming back and forth to our table,dropping a plate of meal once in a while,after what seems like 10 turns they're done,and our table looks like there'd be a feast any moment. Though I'm embarrassed as fuck,I shook it off and dig in with them. I haven't eaten this way for a long time,the scene where you argue or even threaten to kill someone when they take a piece of your chicken? Like what Niall used to do before? Those were the days,and finally I'm reliving it though I'm not with my brothers,but hey I treat this four idiots like my brothers so eh?

"Who's that?" Luke asks with a mouthful of nachos,some of it sputtering on the table. Gross but he's still cute. The others turned their heads to where Luke was looking,I almost choke on my pizza  on the process when I figured out who is it.

"That's uncle Harry." Lux comments before taking a sip of her strawberry shake. Ashton nodded his head on agreement with an unamused look on his face,probably the same look on my face,well he knows Harry right?

The three looked at me with a questioning look on their eyes.

"Oh,That's your ex husband?" Michael voiced out in a whisper.

"Yeah." I shortly replied as I take a bite on my pepperoni pizza. The table went silent for a while then Michael suddenly stand up earning weird glances from us.

"Hey Harry! Dude! Come join us here!" He yelled to the man who's currently filling up his plate. You're fucking dead Clifford.

Enjoy the update guys xx

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