25 (Shotgun Wedding)

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"Doctor are you sure that our daughter is alright?" My mums voice asks warily.

"Yes ma'am she'll gain consciousness in a bit,we'll just have to wait and see." Dr. Woods? Answered

I slowly opened my eyes,the familiar ceiling of my room came into view, I scanned my room and saw my parents talking to Dr. Woods near the bedroom door asking things concerning my condition, there was an IV connected to my left arm, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth thankfully I wasn't awake when they placed that or else something bad would've happened . My eyes landed to the people who were sitting on the couch near my television, Harry's parents were there, Aunt Anne fast asleep on her husband's right shoulder,they were still dressed in their business suit.Harry has his hands on his elbows on his thighs and his hands resting on his head,he looked like in agony.

"She's awake!" Dr. Woods announced making everyone in the room look at my direction,Uncle Des gently shakes his wife to wake her up while Harry was looking at me with a cold stare making me turn my gaze away from him and to my parents.

My parents came rushing to me,bombarding me with questions on how i was feeling and stuff.

"Mum,dad I'm good,just chill okay? I'm perfectly fine trust me." I inquired just to make them shut the hell up,cause honestly they're making my head pound due to the noise they are making.

Soon after there came Niall barging to my room with my best friend of course. "Mum what happened? What's with Aliya?" He asks frantically. My parents and Harry's parents looked at each other in a knowing way.

Dr. Woods might've felt the tension starting to form and excused herself giving my parents few instructions and left giving me a thumbs up sign as she exited the room. The room fell into an awkward silence after the doctor left.

"So? Is there anyone would like to enlighten me with what's happening?" Niall says in an annoyed tone since his questions earlier wasn't answered. He started to look back and forth at my parents and Harry's.

"Your sister is pregnant." My father says flatly breaking the silence,making Niall gasp and look at me in a questioning way, i just turned my head down I feel so ashamed what will my brothers think about me? Maybe Zayn was right,I'm a slut.

"What do we do now?" Uncle Des ask as he looks at my father warily.

"We'll get them married." My father answer quickly like that's the on reason to solve these mess.

"No!" Harry and I shouted in unison making our parents look at one another. Niall and Norlyn exited the room to let us sort it out.

"So what are you two planning then? Have an abortion?" My father asks angrily glaring at Harry and me.

"I'll keep the child,there's no need to bother Harry. In the first place it was my fault, I shouldn't got drunk that night,so please dad leave Harry out of this." I said surely as I look down at my lap. My father scoff and lifted my chin harshly to meet his burning gaze.

"Are you out of your mind? Seriously Aliya we raised you to be better than this! You're such a disappointment in this family! We've expected so much from you,we gave you the world and this is how you're going to repay us? And you don't want to get married? What will other people say? Have you thought about it!" I winced in pain as his grip tighten making my face squish,I'm fucking sure that I look like a fish right now.

"Simon! Stay calm and let's talk this over-

"Seriously Des? You're asking me to fucking calm down?! You're son got my daughter pregnant who's just seventeen years old for goodness sake! Tell me how to calm down!" My father seethes and let go of my chin, Uncle Des sighing and looked over to his son who has his head down.I tried my best to hold the tears that I'm holding but there's no use since they star to fall down like a rain. My mom and Aunt Anne rushed to me as they say something to help me breathe normally handing me a cup of cold water from the beside table since i started to breathe rigid.

"They'll get married in three weeks time and that's final! I wouldn't let my daughter to be labeled some low class slut by our society." My father announced and went out my door,slamming it close afterwards,making me cry louder. I'm so doomed.

"Can you give us a moment please?" Harry's voice interrupt all of a sudden, my mum and Harry's parents looked at each other,contemplating if they'll let us or not.

"Be quick and don't do so something stupid Harry. I'm warning you,follow us downstairs when you're done talking." His father decided and patted his son's back and left the room with my mum and his wife. Great they left me with the lion,I'm really doomed right now.

"SEE WHAT YOUVE DONE?!" Harry roars and looked at me furiously as he rose from his seat earlier,cupping my face harshly just like how my father did. "I TOLD YOU TO GET THE THING OUT OF YOU AND YOU DIDNT FUCKING LISTEN! MY FUTURES RUINED BECAUSE OF YOU AND THST DAMN THING!" He says hysterically,his grip tightening making whimpers escape from my mouth.

"I'm s-s-sorry I didn't really intended to let them know that you were the father, i-i-I don't even know how they found out it-

"And you think I'm buying your bullshit? Huh? I'm not that stupid you fucking liar!" He yells to my face.

I tried to get free from his iron grip but he wouldn't let me and make it tighter. "You c-c-could just say no, or don't come on the wedding day. I'll handle my dad." I suggest making Harry laugh bitterly and look at me as if I'm the stupidest thing on earth.

"YOU THINK THATS HOW EASY IT IS? YOUR FATHER IS FUCKING INFLUENTIAL,HE CAN RUIN OUR COMPANY WITH A SNAP OF A FINGER, he could ruin what my father.. What my parents have built for a long period of time and I can't stand to see that." He angrily says his voice cracking at the end,making me guiltier than ever.

"I'm so sorry." I said in a whisper,not knowing how to make the situation easier for us.

"Whatever." He flatly said and walked out my door slamming it afterwards.

I was left alone again,depression taking over me and soon enough I was as sobbing mess. The voice of Dr. Woods playing on my head as she reminds me not to be stressed for it can affect the baby,but I couldn't care less since I feel so shitty right now. My phone started to make horrendous noises on my bedside table,I looked over to it just to find out it was Liam or Zayn calling me, I'm not really in the mood to explain them what happened and besides my parents will surely tell them about it so why bother? I just wonder what would they think about me now,will they feel ashamed of me? Maybe Zayn is satisfied since he was proven right. My head started to spin again so i decided to lay down and let the darkness take me.

Yay! Another update hehe

Woop! The prologue is nearly 100 views! Tysm lovelies xx

Be cool xx

Love y'all 💋💋❤️

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