7 (Harry and the blonde cheerleader)

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Before I make a right turn that will lead me to my maths class I took one last look where I left Harry. I'm in a good mood today even if there was some trouble at home because of what happened last night,but nonetheless I am happy it happened. I spent a night with Harry,the thought of it brings a smile to my lips immediately,but the smile on my face soon faded when I saw a girl. Not just any girl who has her arms wrapped around Harry's waist,it's Taylor McKenzie she's popular,every male species in this school fancies her well because she's beautiful in a model type of way,she has a blonde hair,blue eyes,petite body and she's one of the cheerleader in our school. Well Harry and her had something special before when they were both in freshman year.Harry truly loved her before and she's the reason why Harry become a heartbreaker. Taylor cheated on him,which broke him to pieces, I was there,I saw all of it. The last time Harry and I talked about her he mentioned that Taylor wanted to get back with him. I really don't know if Harry doesn't like her anymore,because it's really hard to read Harry, he's unpredictable and mysterious.

"Hey Aliya better move now or we'll be late for maths and Mr. Anderson will flip shit!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to see Norlyn standing at my left side,I didn't notice that she was already there because I'm too occupied with Harry and Taylor. I looked at them one last time and they're now talking. "So that's why you're standing here motionless, why can't you just stop loving that guy? he's really not worth it. Sooner or later you'll just hear a news saying that they are bacm together or he's dating another girl again." she says in a tored voice.

"It's really hard to get rid of this feelings okay? If there's an easy way I'd use it just to stop loving him." I said and looked at Harry and Taylor who started walking at the empty hallway,hands intertwined.

Norlyn just sighed and took my elbow and guided me to our class. When we arrived at the room Mr. Anderson was already starting the new lesson,he shouted at us telling us that we are 10 minutes late,but we didn't care. The classes went on in a blur, but I wasn't paying much attention to the class that I have all day. I was more occupied with the Taylor and Harry thing. Are they really back together? The lunch break came,Norlyn was blabbering stuffs like the latest rumors in our school and how hot Channing Tatum is which reminded me of how Niall gushed about him when we watched 22 jump street on the cinemas few weeks ago. But I wasn't paying any attention to her,she kinda get that I didn't want to talk so she stopped and focused on her food. Finally our class ends,and finally I can go home and get some rest. Norlyn and I are walking to the parking lot where Liam's car scratch that where my car is parked,I offered Norlyn to drop her in her workplace today which is at starbucks and I'll get some frappe too because I've been craving for it all day. We finally reached where my car is parked,we went in and fastend our seatbelt. I was about to start the car when Harry suddenly popped at my window which scared the shit out of me. I rolled down the window and raised an eyebrow at him.

"How many do I have to tell you not to scare me?!" I barked.

He raised his right hand infront of my face and he took some deep breaths before he started talking. "Well I need my phone back,I left it at your room and I need a lift since I slept at your place I didn't have my car nor my big bike with me." he explains.

"Wait what'd you just said? you just slept at her place? In her room?" Norlyn suddenly pipes in.

"Well yeah we slept together last night," Harry says and smirks.

Norlyn's eyes widen and she pointed her index finger at me. "When are you planning to say it to me? and did you guys used protection-"

"NO, we didn't sleep together the way that your thinking. What he really means is that yes we slept together in my bed but nothing happened between us." I explained.

Norlyn just looked at me then Harry. "Whatever." she muttered and took out her phone.

"So can I come in now?" Harry says.

I glared at him and told him to seat at the back. The journey to statbucks was silent only the music on the radio is heard. After 20 minutes we finally reached starbucks. Norlyn says goodbye and went out making her way to the back doors of the café where employees usually enter. I was about to go out and get some frappe when I remember Harry was with me. I looked over at him in the backseat, He fell asleep,his mouth was slightly open,faint snores coming out of his plumped pink lips, his curly locks covering half of his face. I decided not to wake him up and made my way home forgetting about the frappe that I was supposed to buy. After few minutes of driving I pulled over to our garage,parking my car next to Niall's car. I shook Harry's arm to wake him up,he just grumble words and doesn't budge at his position, I was getting impatient because it had been few minutes and he's still sleeping,I needed to get some works done so I need to start now so I can finish them early and I can sleep early. (lol that rhymed). I was tapping at the steering wheel when an idea popped into my head.

"If this doesn't wake you, I don't know what else will." I say and glance back at Harry. I turned on the volume of the speaker real high then American Idiot by green day started to blare at the speakers of the car.

Harry shot up from his seat and hits his head at the window where he was leaning his head with. "What the fuck Aliya!" he says in annoyed voice as he rubs his eyes.

"I've been trying to wake you up for ages but you don't want to so there! you deserve it." i say and got out of the car. Harry soon followed.

We made our way inside meeting Nanna at the living room, I asked where are the others and she says that Niall went out to grab something to eat at nandos and Zayn isn't home and my parents are still at the company. After talking to her we continue our journey to my room. Harry dove at my bed snuggling a pillow. I saw his phone at my vanity mirror,I grabbed it and unlock the phone which was easy even though Harry has a passcode it was simply 1234 so basic. I look over to his message and saw A LOT of unregistered numbers mostly saying "babe come to my place tonight." "I miss you." "Where are you? you haven't been calling since we fucked." I kinda felt sick with what I am seeing some even sends nude pictures to him like ew.

"Hey didn't you know it's wrong to read somebody's private messages?" I heard Harry says.

"And didn't you know it's not appropriate to send nudes to everyone?" i said in a disgusted voice. Harry just smirked at me. I throw him his phone and seated at the couch placed at the foot of my bed I took some books and started to do my homeworks. I felt Harry got up from my bed and started to fix his self. He used my comb to tame his curls which are everywhere. Then Harry's phone ring.

"Hello? yeah I just too, my phone from my friends house. I stayed the night at their house. Okay I'll be there in ten. Bye babe." he says. I pretended that I wasn't listening to their conversation and focused my gaze at my maths book like I really know what's the damn answer in question number one.

"I'll head off now Al." I heard Harry's voice say and he started to walk towards the door.

I snap my head up and look at him. "Uh be safe. And where are you going anyway?" i asked.

He scratched the back of his neck. "I'm gonna meet Taylor at nandos." he says avoiding my gaze. So she's the babe he just called I tell to myself.

"Oh,if you mind me asking but are you guys dating?" I blurted out. He was silent for a while and I feel uneasy and my heartbeat starts to accelerate.

He looked at me in the eye and answers. "Yeah we decided to patch things up. So I think we're back together now. Bye Al can't keep her waiting she's a bit impatient." he says moved out leaving me there. As soon as the door shuts I felt a tear slipped down my cheek.

there you go sorry if it's boring af
and btw have you read what LiLo did with poor Niall's car? hahahaha
but Liam forgot to blur Niall's plate number tho.

and oh Taylor McKenzie is Taylor Swift hehe

and I wanna thank my good friend lionsandpenguins for dedicating me her book! Guys better read it it's called "Good Girls and it's a Luke fanfic 😁 the story is pretty interesting so yeah 😁

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