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by Austinwoods

Harry shuffled into the headmaster's office uncomfortably. A hundred sets of eyes locked on him as he came through the door. The portraits of the old headmasters seemed rather lively today, but he guessed that the recent activity in the castle would be enough to keep most people awake for a while. The current headmistress wasn't behind her desk. Instead she was across the room unpacking books onto the bottom shelf of the wall. Unlike most witches would have, she was doing the task by hand. Harry thought that might have been because of the destructive magic that the castle had seen of late. McGonagall had been insistent that they repair as much of the damage by hand as they could. According to her it would deepen their appreciation of the school.

Harry had enjoyed the handiwork as well, albeit for a different reason. He found that the hours he spent moving stone and putting portraits back where they belonged help to take his mind off the terrible toll that the battle had taken on the wizarding world. Although it seemed a miracle how many had survived, it didn't change the fact that people had died on his behalf. That was something that Harry was still struggling to come to terms with, even a full month after the defeat of Voldemort.

Harry cleared his throat slightly, and McGonagall glanced up at him. A small smile graced her usually-stern face as she stood and greeted him.

"Hello, Harry. You've come for the pensieve?"

It was strange to hear her call him anything other than "Mr. Potter," but he supposed that that was the least of the changes he was going to have to get used to in the coming months.

"Yeah," he acknowledged.

He clutched the vial of memories tightly in his hand and felt some trepidation building. The last time he had used this pensieve it had been to view a collection of memories that changed almost everything that he knew about a man. This time he hoped the change wasn't so radical.

"It was very thoughtful of Remus to leave them for you," McGonagall said. She spoke in a soft tone that Harry had only rarely heard her use. "I would offer you my own memories, but I don't think that they would add anything to what you already possess. After all, few people knew your parents better than Remus."

Harry wasn't sure what to say so he simply nodded. He had been surprised to find out that Remus had left a will in the event of his death. The few possessions he had were mostly Teddy's now, but he had left something for Harry as well.

To Harry James Potter, I leave my memories of his parents in hopes that he will come to know them as I did.

Harry still recalled the shock that he had felt upon hearing that part of the will. Ginny had squeezed his hand tightly and he had gone through much of the rest of the day in a daze. The last time he'd viewed a memory of his parents it shown a side of his father that he had never wanted to see. Although he had come to accept that his father was a good, but imperfect man, it still stung slightly to have the pure image he had constructed of his parents tarnished.

"I have to speak with Filius about the upcoming year. I'll go down to his office now and give you some privacy."

Harry nodded in response and McGonagall moved briskly out the door of the office. Harry found himself with only the portraits for company. He made to move towards the cabinet that he knew held the pensieve, but thought better of it and made a beeline towards a particular set of paintings behind the headmaster's desk.

"Hello, Harry."

Albus Dumbledore's eyes didn't twinkle as they had in reality, but the portrait captured his kindly smile perfectly. It might have been Harry's imagination, but he thought the old wizard looked more relaxed now than he ever had in life.

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