Heart Pangs and Catching Chasers

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by welcometonerdworld on archiveofourown.org

“Evans,” her boss tells her, “I’ve got an interview for you.”

“Who?” she asks.

“James Potter. That okay? It’s in two weeks.”

She tells her boss she'll do it. "No problem whatsoever," says Lily Evans, journalist for the Daily Prophet, sports section. She's lying.

She used to date James Potter, but she doubts that her boss knows that. How could he? James Potter is the infamous Quidditch player where Lily Evans is an almost unknown journalist.

In hindsight, she thinks that she never should have applied for this job. Everything about it screams Quidditch, and everything about him does too. But then again, she thinks, Lily Evans is an independent woman, who won’t let an ex stop her career...right?

If she wanted to stay away from him, how is doing an exclusive interview going to help?


Marlene, her best friend and also a journalist, tells her she's being overdramatic.

"It's just one interview, right?" She asks, and Lily nods slowly. "Well then, just pretend you've never met him before."

It's definitely easier said than done. With a mere week to go, Lily can't stop recalling all the memories that she has of him, of his character, his personality, his eyes, his lips...

She decides to trust Marlene. Lily Evans is a professional journalist and will not be stopped by any interview, even if it is with James Potter, Quidditch superstar (and ex boyfriend).

Lily Evans has to stop thinking in the third person – she’s starting to annoy herself.


The day of the interview has finally come and Lily is unable to sleep, tossing and turning in her sheets until she gives up and begins her preparation.

The plan is to meet him in a Muggle pub, where there won't be screaming fans clamouring for autographs. Lily arrives five minutes early, and James arrives five minutes late. She is reminded of their past dates - it was always James who used to be early then.

He comes in wrapped up in his old Gryffindor scarf, head down and hands in pockets. Lily sees him as he pushes his glasses up his nose and her heart makes a funny pang at this familiar gesture. She pushes the feeling away, berating herself internally.

James scans the area and his eyes are drawn to her hair. He blinks, - once, twice - surprised. He has clearly not been told who his interviewer is to be. Slowly, he walks over to her.

“Lily?” he asks, voice gruff. He clears his throat, “Are you – are you interviewing me?”

“Yeah,” she says. “Hope that’s okay?”

“Erm, yeah.” His hand moves to his hair, “Fine. Cool.”



Lily motions to the chair in front of hers, “Have a seat.”

James complies and sits down on the chair. Lily tries not to fidget and crosses her legs instead.

“So,” he begins, “How’ve you been?”

“Good,” she replies, “I’m pretty good.”

“You got the job, huh? Never thought you’d be writing in the sports section though.”

“Yeah. Turns out that once we left school, I kind of – well. I fell in love with Quidditch, I guess.”

A smirk begins to form on James’ face and she knows that the awkwardness is dissipating. “Really? What was all that complaining about at school then, eh? ‘I hate Quidditch, Potter, you know that’ and so on?”

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