Operation Pumpkin Spice

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by PetalsToFish on archiveofourown.org

A long line had formed along the cafeteria's back wall.

Lily Evans wasn't very surprised, as half the female (and even some of the male) population had noticed the boys with the cute smiles and wicked hair at the ice cream station. There were four of them all-together, the ones causing the holdup at the small ice cream freezer.

Lily knew one of the boys from around campus-he was the soccer Captain. Potter, she believed, was his surname. He had messy black hair that always looked perfectly windswept, thick-framed glasses, and rather large feet to coincide with his tall figure. Potter was at the head of the line of girls, scooping out ice cream for each girl like a gentleman.

At Potter's side was a better-looking boy with a pure white smile. Lily had only seen him in her English class once and she didn't know how he could possibly be passing now that they were five weeks into the term. His good looks were hard to ignore. He had long black hair that matched the black scruff covering his jaw. He was attractive in an unkempt way compared to Potter. He looked like a model as he leaned against the ice cream fridge nonchalantly, talking to Potter like he was egging the soccer Captain on.

Eating ice cream and loyally watching with enthralled eyes at the line forming behind Potter were the two other boys in that friend group. Both weren't nearly as attractive, but they're smiles were kind as they laughed at their mates. The shortest and stoutest one said something and Potter shot him a glance, looking quite charmed.

"Hey," Lily prodded her friend, "let's go get ice cream."

Mary MacDonald lifted her head from the study booklet she was observing for her Anatomy and Physiology class. She took one look at the long line in the back of the Café and shook her head no. Mary pushed her blond braid over her shoulder in vain.

" Everyone's over there getting ice cream. I saw Miss Norris put the pumpkin ice cream inside five minutes ago."

Lily snorted like a horse, "Please, none of those girls are over there for the pumpkin ice cream."

Mary lifted her gaze again and grasped what Lily had realized five minutes before when the whole line started. Potter winked at one of the blokes he handed a bowl of the ice cream too. Mary adjusted her pencil in her grip before maintaining her original position.

"No thanks."

Lily poked Mary in the side playfully but then stood up, stretching out her legs. Mary looked up again and rolled her eyes once at Lily's playful smirk before muttering, "Play nice with the other kids."

"Will do mum." Lily flashed a smirk before strolling over to the ice cream bin.

The bin itself always held four to five different types of ice cream. The entire school population had been waiting weeks for the seasonal pumpkin flavored ice cream and finally, the school delivered one giant tub of the pumpkin flavored sweet that week.

Lily herself had been one of the students waiting weeks for the pumpkin ice cream and as she neared the ice cream stand she spotted what had started the line in the first place. There, in the middle of the freezer, sat a brand new tub of pumpkin flavored ice cream. Of course, being brand new, it was stubborn to scoop. In fact, it looked frozen solid.

Potter was standing there, calmer as can be, taking plastic bowls from the girls lining up and scooping them their ice cream. At his side it appeared that his mate was judging the rate at which he scooped. It was the looniest thing she'd seen all week.

"Pathetic scoop," the gorgeous one verified as James pulled out a measly scoop of the pumpkin sweet, "my grandmother could scoop ice cream better than that."

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