All of Our Vices

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by SiriuslyGeorgia

I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show

It started off as an ordinary day, pleasing to an extent, but repetitive. Lily woke, went to breakfast, sat next to her friends to lessons, had dinner, aimlessly meandered around the castle with her boyfriend as they made small talk, and walked back to Gryffindor Tower alone. As she walked, she realised how bored she was of doing the same thing day in, day out, since she'd started dating Tom. For months, all she'd done was attend lessons and walk with Tom. Which was nice, they got on famously as friends, but Lily couldn't help but wish they'd stayed that way. Being in a relationship just added extra expectation that Lily didn't want to deal with. She just didn't feel the spark.

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Great clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

As she walked, still lost in her thoughts, she encountered James Potter. He asked her what was wrong. Merlin knows what made her tell him everything. Maybe it was the flippant way he posed the question, like he didn't care but the way the crease in his forehead begged to differ. In the following minute, he made her laugh, made her angry and made her smile.

"What do you expect? You're dating a Hufflepuff." Laugh.

"Maybe it's because you're so boring, you're boring yourself. Actually, maybe you're just a terrible kisser." Anger.

"Well, I think you deserve better." Smile.

She was snogging him against the wall the minute after.

Of course Lily knew it was the worst idea she'd ever had, but as he responded enthusiastically she couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, it was also the best thing she'd ever done.

But if you close your eyes,
Does it almost feel like
Nothing changed at all?

Waking up, Lily rolled over in her bed, preparing herself for another day of sameness. She remembered the events of the night before and groaned. Shame built up inside her, and she didn't even bother to try and push it down. She should live with the guilt – it was her fault after all.

She also tried to ignore the way her heart beat a little bit faster every time she thought of James.

As usual, Lily got ready for the day in her dorm with her friends, and left for breakfast with them. When they reached the Great Hall, Lily separated and shuffled towards the Hufflepuff table, intent on telling Tom exactly what had happened between her and James.

Just as she walked up to her boyfriend, Lily caught a glimpse of James at the Gryffindor table. He was glancing around the Hall. Looking for her, Lily suspected, but when he found her, their eyes met for a fraction of a second before he continued his perusal of the room. Lily hadn't quite known what to expect when she first saw James after the night before, but it certainly wasn't for him to not acknowledge her at all.

"Are you alright, Lily?" Tom asked, looking up at her from his seat at the Hufflepuff table. He looked confused as to why she was there, as if a girl shouldn't ever defer from routine to see her boyfriend at breakfast.

Lily tucked her hair behind her ear. "Er, yeah," she said, glancing at James again, who was now laughing with Peter. She focused her gaze back on Tom. "I just wanted to tell you that there's a prefect meeting tonight, so I can't meet you."

Tom frowned, and then nodded. Neither of them had cancelled on each other before, but he couldn't argue with Head Girl business. "Sure, yeah. I'll see you later then?"

After assuring him that he would, Lily went to the Gryffindor table and picked at some eggs. She waited for Tom to leave the Hall, which he did five minutes later. When the coast was clear, Lily scuttled around the emptying Hall, telling various prefects about the meeting that night. Most of them grumbled, so Lily admitted it wasn't really important – it wasn't as if she actually had anything planned.

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