Happy Moments

197 4 0

by storyweaver24

He was lounging on the couch, idly flicking his wand at anything, when his wife breezed by him.

'I'm going to the shop,' she called over her shoulder as she pulled on a coat.

'Are you feeling better?'

'Yeah, I'll just be a moment. We need more milk.'

He squinted up at the ceiling, certain that he had seen two cartons in the kitchen, and shrugged. Maybe she needed to bake something. He didn't say anything when she came back half an hour later with no milk and only a bar of chocolate. Whipping past him again, she locked herself in the toilet and didn't come out.

Nor did he say anything that night when she pushed his hands away and turned on her side. 'Not tonight. I'm feeling ill.'

She woke him up in the morning with another round of vomiting, followed by a trek to the kitchen. He went down to see her happily munching on a bowl of porridge.

'You're up early,' he commented as he scooped out his own bowl.

'Couldn't sleep,' she said. He leaned in for a morning kiss but she moved her head away. 'I'm not in the mood.'

'For a peck?'

'Just… I don't feel like being touched.'

He sat back and looked her up and down. She gave him a blank look—the one he knew meant she was hiding something—and he sighed. 'Okay then.'

She danced around him all day, behaving weirdly and staring off into space. He didn't comment; he knew she would talk when she was ready. And talk she did.

'James,' she said that night as they were lying in bed, 'I'm pregnant.'

He pushed himself up on his elbow to look at her. 'What?' She turned her head and looked him in the eye.

'I'm pregnant.'

That couldn't be right. They were only twenty, not old enough to be responsible for someone. He was a soldier. She was a soldier. He said as much and she blinked.

'I know.'

'Besides, we've been careful—'

'Not enough.'

'Is that why you've been avoiding me all day?'

'I suppose.'

They lapsed into silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

'We shouldn't bring a baby into the world when it's like this, Lily.' He didn't mean to say it out loud, but it slipped out.

'I know. I've already written Dorcas about potions.' She paused. 'To do otherwise would be irresponsible.'

'Yeah. It would. People are dying.'

'Voldemort is rising.'

'They need us to fight.'

'We can't have a baby.'

'No, we can't,' James said. She shifted, obviously thinking the discussion was over, but he saw a tear glisten on her cheek. 'Is that what you want?'

'Is that what you want?' she retorted. 'I thought we said it was irresponsible.'

'When have we ever been responsible?'

'I won't be able to fight.'

'Dumbledore'll understand.'

'I could still make Potions for the Order.'

'That's a good idea.'

'The Longbottoms are having a baby as well. It would be nice for them to have a friend.'

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