106. ragwort

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he's stressing me out

"Are you going to sleep or are you going to keep on sighing into my ear?" I rolled over in Levi's embrace.

"I'll go sleep on the couch," Levi sighed loudly, moving to leave.


"No I mean-" I reached out for his wrist, "do you want to talk about it?"

you being stressed is beginning to stress me out

"You need to sleep."

"I'm not going to be able to sleep if you leave, and I can't sleep with you grumbling into my ear."

so let's talk

"We should've turned around and gone home when we got the chance."

i mean we can still do that-

"What's stopping us?"

i mean obviously addressing this head on is the smart thing to do-


being the villain is kinda hot sometimes </3

"If we turn around now it'll only look suspicious, besides," he took a long pause, his eyes focused on something outside the window. "I'm not going to let this opportunity slip by us."

that's more like my levi

"You know," I brushed the hair out of Levi's face, dim moonlight illuminating his features. "You don't have to worry about the first princess killing me, I'm sure she would much rather humiliate me first."

maybe in the beginning but not now

"I can't believe you're joking about this," he rolled his eyes at me.

"As if you're any better," I frowned. "Anyway you don't have to worry about me, I'm not going to die until I get to kiss you in front of her for real."


"She might kill you for that afterward," Levi chuckled, his fingers tracing my jawline.


"Do you think she'll wait a little bit longer if I ask nicely?"

"You can certainly try."

there's a conversation i want to have with levi that i'm not sure i can bring up


i'm almost certain it's what he's worried about

"Hey Levi?"


"Ignore me if you don't want to talk about this, ok?"

"I'm not going to ignore you."

i wouldn't promise that

"Your parents," I paused, unsure of how to continue. "The reason why you've been so stressed- does it have anything to do with them?"

actually did i ever tell him that i learned what happened?

"Sorry if I wasn't supposed to know about it- the day everyone thought I had gone missing- Kuchel told me and-"

"Slow down idiot."

"-honestly it's weird that we haven't had this conversation earlier, you have that painting in your room of the two of them when you were younger."

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