Aᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ Eɴᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ

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𝗖𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗜𝗻𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗲 & 𝗭𝗲𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘀𝘂

Third Person Pov:

Tanjiro was the last one to leave, meaning he was left to lock up at work.

He was grabbing his keys and wallet when someone walked in, demanding the money in the register.

Tanjiro had his back turned to the person so he could only hear their footsteps and voice as he stood there.

"Did you not hear what I said? Turn around and put the money in the bag." From the voice, Tanjiro learned that it was a male.

Tanjiro turned around, face blank as he lifted his head to look at the person. Only to be shocked upon noticing who it was.

"Zenitsu is that you?!" Tanjiro asked, dropping his keys and wallet as he took in the features of his past lover.

Zenitsu seemed shocked as well, dropping the bag and nearly dropping the gun as he took a step back to take in the situation.

"Shit, he's going to kill me." The blond muttered under his breath. "Uh..n-no! I- I don't know who that is. I'm- I'm just going to l-leave now so-"

A voice cuts Zenitsu off. Saving him from the awkward encounter. But it isn't long before Tanjiro is shocked again at the new visitor.

"Oi! What's taking so long?! It's cold and yo- Tanjiro?!" The bluish-black-haired male choked out, now all three of them were stunned.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on here!?," Tanjiro says, hands down and now holding his throbbing forehead. "What happened to you two? Zenitsu, why were you trying to rob me, and why is Inosuke your getaway driver?"

The duo stood there stunned. They didn't know what to say. They had just tried to rob what just so happened to be the same place their old lover worked in. To say it was awkward was an understatement.

"You guys weren't doing your jobs right if I wasn't scared. And Inosuke you're a terrible driver, why didn't you guys ask me? And at least come up with something better than 'pUt ThE mOnEy iN tHe BaG!' It sounds dumb." Tanjiro said bluntly, he had come from behind the register to face the duo.

"I- you- what? You wanted us. To ask you, to be our getaway driver? This is a secret type of thing! But, you do have a point I told Inosuke it sounded dumb, and he's a bad driver. Drives into mailboxes for fun." Zenitsu said, rolling his eyes.

"Come on! I'm a great driver and I hated this job anyway. The employees are terrible. Crimes seemed like something Inosuke would do."

Zenitsu looked over to Inosuke for help, but Inosuke only shrugged saying it was worth a shot.

"I guess you're hired then. Go start up the car while we empty the place, alright?" Zenitsu proclaimed, walking behind the register to get to work.

"Sir, yes sir!" Tanjiro said, in a faux salute before heading over to the door. " And It's nice seeing you two idiots again." With that, he walked out the door.

Inosuke gets started on prying open the jewelry cases, while Zenitsu was already working on the third register.

It didn't take long before all the money and jewelry in the place was stuffed in duffel bags. Inosuke decided to trash the place to add a bit of 'sparkle' to it.

They quickly made their way out of the store and towards the car parked down the street.
They shoved the bags in the trunk and got in.

"It's about damn time. So, where are we headed?" Tanjiro asked, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he drove away from the store.

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