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me with who?? <3

Third Person Pov:

Zenitsu and Inosuke looked suspicious, very suspicious. To be honest, they acted suspiciously too.

And that's because they are being suspicious for what seemed to be a very good reason... to them anyways.

"You think that one burgundy-haired cutie is gonna be out today?" Zenitsu asked, trying to get a good look in the back to see if he could spot their target.  "It's already ten minutes past the time he's supposed to be working."

It was pretty creepy of them to know his schedule by heart but what can I say? They only have half a brain cell each.

Speak of the dev— angel, and he shall arrive. Tanjiro had rushed through the door, pink lips pulled into a scowl.

Behind him, a girl around the same age with black hair pulled into a side ponytail a bit too close to him.

"Who do you think that girl is? We've never seen her around before. Think he hired someone new?" Inosuke asked, eyes trailing down the backside of the apron that Tanjiro was wearing.

Further and further until...

"Dumbass! He saw you!" Zenitsu whisper-yelled, smacking Inosuke in the back of his head.

"Ow!" Inosuke cried out, attracting attention from people nearby. "He's abusing me! Someone, please call the police!"

Zenitsu felt himself pale from Inosuke's words. If people weren't looking before, they sure were now. Some were getting their phones out ready to record.

"H-He's just kidding everyone! He's definitely just kidding!" Zenitsu awkwardly laughed, he grabbed Inosuke by his shirt. "R-Right Inosuke?!"

"Something like that..." Inosuke muttered, earning him a second smack to his head. "Ow! Yes! I-I was just kidding everyone! ow!"

"He saw you looking at his ass!" Zenitsu mumbled, watching as Tanjiro disappeared behind the counter. Then swiftly reappearing and taking orders around the coffee shop. "The girl next to him saw too!"

"I don't care. Even better if he saw!" Inosuke scoffed, not even bothering to whisper. "Can we order our food now?"

Zenitsu rolled his eyes and flagged down the burgundy.

"Hello~ What might my favorite two gentlemen like to order this fine afternoon?" Tanjiro asked sweetly, a tired smile on his face. "The usual? Or feeling something different today?"

The two boys sighed lovingly, who could ever put a scowl on such a pretty boy?

"Hm, the usual but if you have time come join us, sweetheart." Zenitsu flashed Tanjiro a pretty smile, hoping that the burgundy would accept his offer. "You seemed stressed, come talk to us about it."

Tanjiro blanked at the offer before returning with his sweet smile. "Since you two are my favorite customers... I'll accept that offer of yours. See you two in a bit~"

Tanjiro gave them one more look and left.

The only thing on Inosuke's mind was, 'goddamn that ass of his sure does jiggle.'

"So what's on your mind, Ponjiro?" Inosuke asks, trying to secretly grab a piece of bacon off Zenitsu's plate but failed as the blond smacks his hand back with a scowl.

Tanjiro giggled slightly at their weird relationship. To be honest, it was kind of weird to him considering his customers as really close friends. He could remember the first day he had met them.

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