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I can't tell if this is cute or disturbing

Third Person Pov:


Sniffles and whines are all that could be heard coming from Tanjiro's room. Zenitsu and Inosuke stared at the door. Scared to go in.

"What should we do. " Zenitsu whispered, looking towards the blank-faced male.

They had been kicked out of the room by Tanjiro who had recently gotten sick.

Tanjiro turned into a whole different person when sick. First, he'd be clingy and cuddly, then sobbing and crying, and lastly mad and stubborn.

Right now he was in his sobbing and crying phase. Which meant he'd call them in soon to stay with him.

"I don't know. It's boring out here." Inosuke replied, staring out the window. Watching as snow covered the streets like a blanket.

They both flinched when a sudden bang came from the door. Tanjiro must have thrown something. It startled them enough to stop talking.

It was quiet for another ten minutes when the door was thrown open. A pouting Tanjiro stood in the doorway, cover draped over him as he made his way past them.

Inosuke and Zenitsu turned in confusion toward him. Realizing he was going for the door they quickly got up.

Inosuke picked up Tanjiro and Zenitsu blocked the door.

"Put me— achoo!" Tanjiro shivered slightly after sneezing. Squirming to get out of Inosuke's grip." Put me down! I want to go outside!"

"Shit. Your burning up, Tanjiro." Zenitsu took his hand off of Tanjiro's burning skin. "Bring him to the kitchen. He needs to take his medicine."

Tanjiro paled at the word 'medicine'. He could never get out of taking it no matter how hard he begged.

"Where is it?" Zenitsu asked, searching the medicine cabinet for the bottle.

"I don't know. You had it last. Check the other side." Inosuke said, placing Tanjiro on the counter, before helping Zenitsu search.

Tanjiro shook out of his frozen state, remembering that he had hidden it from them. He took the chance to quietly hop off the counter and run upstairs. Hiding in one of the storage closets.

"Tanjiro do you know where— Tanjiro?!"

Zenitsu had turned around, realizing that Tanjiro was being quiet. A little too quiet to be exact. Only to find him gone.

"Of course, the little shit runs off as soon as we turn our backs," Inosuke grumbled.

Zenitsu smacks Inosuke on the back of his head, making him cry out at the pain.

"Don't call him a little shit. Now help me find him." Zenitsu glared at Inosuke before searching for Tanjiro.



"Drink it!"

"No! It tastes disgusting!"

"Just drink it you little shit!"



"I'll be damned if I ever drink that willingly!"

"It will make you feel better!"

"Fuck off!"

Tanjiro gaged as they forced the grape-flavored medicine down his throat. Tears streaming down his face at the disgusting taste.

"See? It wasn't that bad. You're just being dramatic." Inosuke rolled his eyes.

"Oh my god... I've been poisoned!" Tanjiro rolled off the chair, clutching his stomach as he rolled around on the floor.

Tanjiro gaged again. The aftertaste of the medicine caught up to him.

Zenitsu sighed, throwing the now empty spoon on the sink. They had managed to drag Tanjiro out of his hiding place and drink the medicine.

He hadn't planned to shove it down the boy's throat but Inosuke did. Basically shoving the whole spoon down his throat.

"I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die from drinking that shitty grape medicine!"

"Tanjiro stop being so dramatic." Inosuke picked the whining boy up, Zenitsu following as he carried Tanjiro to their room.

"I'm gonna die! My life is flashing before my eyes! The light... it's blinding!"

Tanjiro continued to go on and on about the disgusting medicine and how it was going to kill him. Inosuke and Zenitsu tuning him out.

"If you shut up we'll go buy you ice cream."


ngl grape flavored medicine is fucking disgusting. I'd rather jump off a bridge than drink that shit. The same goes for bubblegum medicine

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