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I just love this picture so fucking much. It makes my heart do a flip <3

Third Person Pov:

Today was Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro's 4 year anniversary. Tanjiro had taken these past few weeks to go out and secretly make preparations in advance to celebrate.

Inosuke and Zenitsu had gone out to complete some errands for the day, leaving Tanjiro most of the day to prepare for when they got home.

He had everything he needed, the gifts were placed on the countertop alongside the cake, and Tanjiro had just finished setting the table up for dinner when his two angry boyfriends stormed in.

Tanjiro not noticing their foul moods rushed over to them with the prettiest smile on his face. He was so excited that they were home, he couldn't wait to celebrate with them.

Tanjiro had given them both a hug, cuddling into their warmth.

"Welcome back! I missed you guys so much! Happy Annivers-" Tanjiro was cut off by a harsh shove to his chest. Sending him flying to the floor.

"Don't touch us," Zenitsu said in such a cold tone that it sent shivers down his spine.

Tanjiro still catching his breath from the hard shove, got up confused as to why they were acting like that.

"I'm sorry? Are you guys okay? Did I do something wrong?" Tanjiro asked the duo, which only seemed to anger them more.

"Who?" Zenitsu whispered.

"I'm not sure I understand." Tanjiro was madly confused and had asked him to clarify.

"Who have you been cheating on us with." Zenitsu simply answered, hands shaking at his sides.

Tanjiro stood there frozen.

Cheating? Is that what they're accusing me of? On our anniversary too.

"Stop acting stupid and give us an answer, dammit!" Inosuke yelled, he was fed up with Tanjiro's lying.

Inosuke stalked over to Tanjiro and grabbed him by the shoulders. The sudden aggressiveness caught Tanjiro off guard.

"Ow! Inosuke stop! I wasn't cheating on either of you with anyone! Please let go! You're hurting me!" Tanjiro honestly told them, while pleading with Inosuke to lessen his grip on his aching shoulders.

"You're such a fucking liar! Whoring yourself out to other men! After all, we've done for you?! You repay us like that!" Inosuke yelled in his face, insulting words shooting straight for Tanjiro's heart.

"Inosuke, maybe you should calm down a bit. We just want the truth, not to hurt him." Zenitsu tried to reason with him, not being able to handle the cries coming from their supposed 'lover'.

"I would never do that! I love you both too much to ever even let the thought of cheating cross my mind!! Why are you hurting me?! Why don't you believe me!?" Tanjiro sadly whimpered out, Inosuke's nails were digging deep into his shoulders making trails of blood running down his arms.

Tanjiro even though he was scared out of his mind by Inosuke hurting him, tried his best to tell himself reassuring words.

This is just a misunderstanding. They don't mean the insulting words they're saying.

They didn't mean to hurt me, they just misunderstood what was going on.

They love me...

𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ➪ 𝖨𝗇𝗈𝖳𝖺𝗇𝖹𝖾𝗇.Where stories live. Discover now