𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨

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Um idk what to call this so drop ideas for a title and maybe I'll change it lol also enjoy this picture of Kyo <3

Third Person Pov:

"Ugh..." A drained voice groaned, shutting their eyes once more as the glaring white lights above rendered them visually impaired for a moment.

Their eyes flutter once more before completely opening and blinking away the blurry objects that greeted them. Burgundy-colored eyes traveled across the ceiling as they reached an arm, covered by wires that connected to multiple machines, up to their eyes to try and rub the sleep out.

Pulling away their hand they were surprised to find words written in red ink on the palm of their hand. Tanjiro, trust no one. And by any means, do NOT eat the pills.


What pills?

And why shouldn't I take them?

"Oh good. You're up."

Tanjiro flinched from the sudden voice, footsteps approaching the bed he was on, and pushing a couple of buttons to sit him up properly. His burgundy eyes were met with dark blue ones. The smile on the lady's face made him feel a sense of unease.

"I'll go grab your pills." The lady announced Tanjiro reading her name tag and finding out her name is Aoi Kanzaki.

She left the room with a gentle slam of the door, leaving Tanjiro once more by himself. Tanjiro took the time to figure out what was going on and why was he in a hospital.

Why can't I remember?

Tanjiro let his gaze trail down onto his legs, they were covered by a thin blanket. His upper body felt fine, maybe it was his legs? He slowly pulled back the cover to find his legs wrapped up in bandages. The bandages around his ankles and knees were slowly turning a dark shade of red.

He tried to move them, only to wince at the pounding in his legs and the sharp pounding in his head. He reached a pale hand up to touch his head only to feel that covered in bandages as well.

A terrible feeling had now settled itself in his stomach. He needed to find someone, anyone that could tell him what the fuck was going on.

The sound of footsteps once more drew his attention toward the door. That same lady, Aoi, and another lady with beautifully shaded pale lavender eyes had now entered the room.

"Hello, Tanjiro." The woman greeted, taking a seat on the right side of his bed. Tanjiro immediately noticed that she too had a dark aura surrounding her. "You may be wondering who I am, how you got here, and what's going on. Don't worry, we'll get to all of that soon. Here's your pills and a glass of water, you must be parched." The lady took the pills and the glass of water from the younger girl and handed them over to Tanjiro.

Tanjiro, trust no one. And by any means, do NOT eat the pills.

Those same words on his palm rang through his mind as he stared at the pills. He made sure to shift his hand so that they wouldn't be able to see the message on his palm as well.

Tanjiro gave the two a small smile as thanks and popped the pills into his mouth. He quickly took a couple of (much-needed) gulps of water. He sighed contentedly as the cold water soothes his aching throat and body.

"W... w-what h- happened?" The burgundy-haired boy had finally asked after clearing his throat. Both ladies still staring at him and making him want to curl up out of embarrassment.

"Well, to put it short, you were in a terrible accident." The woman explained, waving a hand at the younger to exit the room. When Aoi left she turned around to grab something and that's when Tanjiro took the chance to remove the pills from under his tongue and shove them under the pillow behind him. "You had decided to take a trip to the store, and while you were walking you were kidnapped. You were held hostage for several months as the person had killed all your friends and family and when someone finally found you, you had suffered significantly from head trauma and your lower body was in terrible condition."

Tanjiro's brows furrowed in thought as he processed what she was saying. He had every reason not to trust her, so he didn't.

"T-Then how...? How w-was it a terrible a-accident i-if it wasn't an a-accident?" To Tanjiro, he felt as if she was pulling a story out of her ass. But then again, he had absolutely no recollection of what happened to him so that could explain the lack of memories and head trauma.

"The person who had done all of this hadn't meant to, of course!" She exclaimed as if Tanjiro was asking the stupidest of questions. "It was simply what we call an accident. A terrible, terrible accident."

Accident? This person went out of their way to kidnap Tanjiro and do god knows what to him and she considers it an accident? Bullshit. She must be on some drugs or something

"H-How long... how long h-have I been here?" Tanjiro watched suspiciously as she jotted down something on her clipboard and pressed a button next to him.

"Unfortunately, I am not allowed to tell you that information." She answered, her lips tucked into a firm line.

"Uh— okay..? C-can I at least know y-your name?"

The door opened once more and a man with pale green to black hair stood there rolling in a wheelchair that was no doubt for Tanjiro. His eyes were dull and lacked any signs of life.

"You may call me Lady Tamayo and my friend here, Yushiro." The woman, now Lady Tamayo, introduced, standing up and brushing herself off. "It saddens me we cannot chat any further since it is now lunchtime for you." Lady Tamayo smiled before ushering Yushiro over to help her situate Tanjiro comfortably in the wheelchair.

Tanjiro winced now and then as they maneuvered his body out of bed and onto the wheelchair, his legs were constantly throbbing along with his arms as they took out the wires in his arms and bandaged them.

Tanjiro took the chance to really observe the hospital he was in as Lady Tamayo and Yushiro were too busy talking and pushing his wheelchair. It had cracks along every wall and stains, that he hoped weren't what he thought they were, all along the ceilings and floors. All the other workers escorting their patients seemed dead. To Tanjiro, they all kinda looked the same and acted the same if he thought about it.

It didn't take them long to get there, and when they moved Tanjiro to the end of the table, the burgundy felt two pairs of eyes that couldn't have been from Lady Tamayo and Yushiro since the two had left him in the care of the security guards around the cafeteria.

"Tanjiro!" A voice called out to him, making him look away from the now mashed-up food and toward a blond and raven-haired male.

"Yes?" Tanjiro answered, looking between the two to figure out which one had spoken. The two had decided to scoot down to be on opposite sides of the table.

"You had us worried sick! They told us you had a close to zero chance of waking up when we had first woken up!" The blond said, tearing up as he rushed to give a hug to Tanjiro. "Who knew that we'd all get into some kind of trouble the same day and end up in the hospital together? Did they tell you how long until you'd get out? Did they give you your medicine? Did they talk to you about what happened to your fam—"

"W-wait, wait, wait a m-minute!" Tanjiro firmly pushed the blond away, looking at him in confusion as he rambled on about lord knows what. "Who e-exactly are you? How did you know I got i-into an accident? A-and who is the guy right t-there?" Tanjiro asked, pointing a finger toward the quiet raven-haired male.

"Is this some type of prank?" The blond replied instead of answering the questions. He matched Tanjiro's confusion. "We're your friends, Tanjiro. We were the ones who had found you but got into an accident driving you here. You had gotten kidnapped on your way to our house and—"

"No, I-I was kidnapped on the w-way to the store. And s-she said that m-my kidnapped killed all o-of my friends a-and family." Tanjiro had a feeling that what the random stranger was going to say next wasn't going to sit well with him.

I honestly have no idea what this is but I just felt like leaving it here to cause you guys joy and suffering for the cliffhanger 😃

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