Aʟɪᴇɴ Sʜɪᴛ

806 17 18

𝗔𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁

Third Person Pov:


Endless would be the word Tanjiro would use to describe space.

His little pod has been floating throughout space for months. Tanjiro lost track of time after the first couple of weeks.

He doesn't remember much. Except for his home planet, Earth 9, which was destroyed by Earth 6. Earth 6 and Earth 9 had been at war for a couple of months and Earth 6 had been using that time to build a deadly weapon that would wipe out Earth 9 and everyone on it. Including themselves.

They thought that if they couldn't have it, no one could. Only a couple of humans from Earth 9 were able to escape. Tanjiro is one of them.

Sadly, none of his family members survived. His mom shoved him into the shuttle before he could get caught. He watched how the humans from Earth 6 shot and killed his mom and siblings. The light faded from their eyes as they watched him go.

Tanjiro was slowly running out of supplies. He know it was a miracle that he lasted as long as he did, but he didn't want to die. Not yet.

Tanjiro closes his eyes, another night spent alone in his shuttle, surrounded by dark thoughts once again.






Tanjiro woke up to shouting voices. He didn't understand a word they were saying. It sounded like some kind of gibberish.

Tanjiro takes in his surroundings. The room was painted white, the beds situated with black sheets, and everything was hovering over the floor.

Where am I? What happened to the ship?

Tanjiro wondered if he had been kidnapped. He tried to get off the bed only to fall because of his lack of leg use.

His legs were weak and could barely hold his body up. He hit the floor with a loud thud. Alerting the other two people outside the door.

The door opened, revealing two beings. One with long blond to orange hair and one with black to blue hair. The blond one had two antennas that matched his skin tone, while the other one had two black horns that curled in.

The blond one rushed over to Tanjiro. Gently taking his face in his hands.

"ǟʀɛ ʏօʊ ǟʟʀɨɢɦȶ? ʏօʊ ֆɦօʊʟɖռ'ȶ ɮɛ օʊȶ օʄ ɮɛɖ. ʏօʊ ֆɦօʊʟɖ ɮɛ ʀɛֆȶɨռɢ." The blond spoke gently to ease Tanjiro's worries.

Tanjiro's head tilted at the blond's words. He didn't understand what he was saying but knew it was supposed to be comforting.

The black-haired male came over to them and slapped the blond one on the back of his head.

"ɦɛ ɖօɛֆռ'ȶ ʊռɖɛʀֆȶǟռɖ ʊֆ ɖʊʍɮǟֆֆ! ɦɛ ɖօɛֆռ'ȶ ʊռɖɛʀֆȶǟռɖ օʊʀ ʟǟռɢʊǟɢɛ. ֆքɛǟӄ ȶօ ɦɨʍ ɨռ ɛռɢʟɨֆɦ!" The black-haired one shouted angrily.

The blond looked back to see a confused expression on the burgundy-haired male's face. Then realized his friend was right.

He cleared his throat.

"Sorry about that! I forgot humans speak a different tongue than us. My name is Zenitsu! And that angry ɮօǟʀ is Inosuke! What's your name darling?" 'Zenitsu' gave the boy a gentle smile.

Tanjiro was still freaked out about the horns and antennas on them but decided to be polite. After all, they technically saved him from that horrid place.

"...Tanjiro" He muttered, slightly scared of the one called Inosuke.

"Well Tanjiro, I'm sure you're wondering how you got here. Inosuke and I were out in space doing our daily check-up on our planet when we saw your shuttle," Zenitsu paused, letting Tanjiro take in that information before continuing. "We attached it to our ship and brought you back to our home planet, Nœbī."

"The question is, what is a human doing floating through space? Humans were said to be extinct millions of years ago. Along with Earth 6 and 9" Inosuke finished.

Tanjiro thought that maybe this was some type of dream. That his brain was messing with him from the lack of sleep and food.

Humans extinct millions of years ago? What type of joke is this?

"You must be joking. Earth 9 was destroyed in 2891! Earth 6 was never destroyed. Most of the people, yes, but the planet, no." Tanjiro exclaimed.

Zenitsu and Inosuke shared a glance before Inosuke gently picked up Tanjiro and placed him back on the bed. The two sat on opposite sides of him.

"Um...Tanjiro?" Zenitsu whispered, he could feel the anger rolling off the burgundy-haired male in waves.

"What?!" Tanjiro snapped, he was tired of their silly games.

"Do you know what year it currently is?" Zenitsu asked.

Tanjiro froze. He had to think about Zenitsu's question.

The war couldn't have been that long ago. It should still be 2891 right? Or at least 2892?

"What type of question is that!? It's 2891! I was only in space for a couple of months." Tanjiro hesitantly answered, he was sure it was either 2891 or 2892.

Zenitsu sighed before putting his head in his lap. Inosuke seemed to be conflicted with his thoughts on whether or not to tell the boy the truth.

"Tanjiro, I know it may have felt like it was only a couple of months but if the war started in 2891, then you've either been floating in space for years or you were set in the future. 2891 was 350 years ago. It is now 3241." Inosuke explained slowly, not wanting to break the boy from the amount of information being given to him.

Tanjiro tried to process what had been said but he couldn't believe it. He couldn't have been in space for 350 years so his only other option would be time travel.

"We were thinking about it and...if you would like, you can stay with us. We'll keep you safe and make sure no one else find out you're here. If they do find you, we're willing to take our punishment as long as you're unharmed."

Zenitsu and Inosuke each grabbed one of Tanjiro's hands. Tanjiro felt oddly familiar with the duo but just couldn't put his finger on why.

"W-Why? Why would you help me? You don't even know me! Yet you're both willing to pay the price just to keep me safe. Why?" Tanjiro hiccuped, their kindness was too overwhelming for him.


"We promised to protect you no matter what. No matter how many times we're reborn, we'll always protect you."

𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ➪ 𝖨𝗇𝗈𝖳𝖺𝗇𝖹𝖾𝗇.Where stories live. Discover now