⇢︎ Chapter 48 : Pissed Off

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Karma yawned dramatically as he had a book covering his eyes

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Karma yawned dramatically as he had a book covering his eyes. Everyone was supposed to be studying, however only Karma didn't take it seriously. Y/n, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but stare at the red head with an indifferent look.

"Blast it all Karma! Wake up and get with the program!!" Koro-sensei scolded as he was literally red in the face, "Apply yourself for heaven's sake, you could get the best overall score!!"

"Calm down, teach," Karma groaned out as he slightly lifted the book off of his eyes to look at his teacher, "You and I both know that I'm gonna do fine. My laziness is a credit to your study method. We can both afford to relax.

"You especially right now. I mean, look at yourself. You're starting to come off like a regular teacher uptight and... boring."

This caught Koro-sensei's attention. It caught him so well that he stopped his duplicates from moving around and stood right next to Karma. The smile was still present, but it seemed to hold a different meaning.

Karma rolled his eyes as he took the book off of his face, "We've already got a plan of attack, right? You should have a little bit more faith in it. Are you that worried about A class winning this?"

Nagisa and the others had told the rest of the class what had happened the other day. Needless to say, they were stoked for bossing A class around for once in their life. It got everyone railed up, from the low graders to the high ones. Everyone, except Karma.

Koro-sensei cackled as he heard what the class wanted to do when they won this 'challenge', "Not a bad idea, but what about this?" He suggested as he appeared in the front of the room, "I say we force them to relinquish their pride and joy." He held up a book.

"The school pamphlet?"

Koro-sensei turned the book around and everyone in the classroom gasped slightly. Y/n only shook his head as he snuggled with his teddy. He had already known that the class would be going after A class's vacation, and he didn't blame them. Y/n would've done the same thing.

"You're already well acquainted with being the low man on the totem pole," Koro-sensei stated, "but I want you to experience what it's like to fight one's way, tooth and nail, all the way to the top! An assassin aims high to bring his target low.

"Between my tentacles and that... You have more than enough inventive!"

Y/n let out a small hum as he turned to Karma, who had the book back on his face trying to sleep, "So, you gonna study now?" He questioned with a raised brow.

Karma couldn't help but chuckle, "Of course not," He stated, "You're being like Koro-sensei, N/n~ I'm the smartest in the class. I know what I'm doing.

Y/n didn't say anything as he looked Karma up and down, "'Kay." He turned back to studying on his own.

Karma raised a brow at Y/n's short answer. He glanced at Y/n through the pages of the book over his eyes. Y/n had no readable emotion on his face, this made Karma wonder if he had done something wrong.

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