⇢︎ Chapter 72 : Secret Perpetrator

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E class was silenced in shock

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E class was silenced in shock. They were all crowding around a desk that had a certain magazine on it. Just reading the headlines of the magazine made them sick. Everything was pointing to their teacher there was no way it wasn't him.

Y/n peaked opened his eye. He was one of the only people in the class that wasn't surprised by the latest news. In fact, Y/n was taking a nap before the class started to catch up on the sleep he was lacking. However, the class muttering in disgust kept Y/n awake.

At that moment, Koro-sensei finally entered the room thinking that he would see everyone's smiles, only to be met with the most disgusted look they have mustered for this occasion. Koro-sensei was quick to screech out in horror as he started speed reading the magazines and newspapers, all of which were basically describing Koro-sensei stealing... non-family friendly clothes.

"They're totally talking about you, aren't they?"

"How could you do that stuff?"

"We're very disappointed in you, sir..."

The class began to mumble and whisper to one another.

"No, wait!" Koro-sensei shouted. "I'm innocent! I don't even know anything about this!?"

"So, have an alibi?"

Koro-sensei looked towards his student, sweat dripping down his face. "Ali-what now?"

The student narrowed her eyes. "Where were you on the evenings of the incidents in question? And can anybody back you up?"

Koro-sensei hummed for a moment and looked up in thinking. "Let me see... I was vigorously shaking a bag of seasoned fries. Alternating between an altitude of 10,000 meters and 3,000 meters respectively-"


"That's enough guys," Isogai spoke up. "Come on, he's not a perv. He's done some creepy things, sure, but even if you add them all together what have you really got?"

"Adult magazines, bribed with dirty pictures, staring intently at pinups on his free time, spamming lingerie companies for models to have a tentacle bra..." Y/n listed off, with each item he and everyone else in the room increasingly got uncomfortable. "...Need I say more?"

Isogai shuttered as he turned his back on Koro-sensei. "Koro-sensei just turn yourself in..."

Y/n yawned. "Please do, I don't want another study hall being you chatting a storm about the latest model that came out..."


"OH, COME ON I WOULD NEVER!!" Koro-sensei shouted as he began to wave his tentacles in a frantic manner. "This is an outrage! I stand wrongfully accused!! Don't you believe me!? Very well to the teachers' lounge! I'll show you what kind of upright citizen I can be!!"

Y/n couldn't help but roll his eyes. However, like everyone else in the room, he followed Koro-sensei to the teachers' lounge. When he got there, he went straight to Karasuma who just raised a brow in confusion. Y/n could only shrug to Karasuma leaving his favorite teacher even more confused.

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